Honors Theses and Capstones
Date of Award
Spring 2019
Project Type
Senior Thesis
College or School
Program or Major
Physics with an Option in Astronomy
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
First Advisor
John S. Gianforte
This paper will discuss the proper calibration technique for an autoguider of a CCD camera and the results that follow from successful exoplanet transit observations. A brief background on exoplanets, the transit method, and the analysis of their parent stars through photometry will be examined. The results will be presented in a before and after framework that will visually represent the data improvements from autoguiding as graphical Light Curves (LC). The addition of being able to autoguide at the UNH observatory will work towards providing future students with the possibility of performing follow-up ground-based observations and archiving their work online to aid the entire astronomy community.
Recommended Citation
Cappuccio, Anthony, "Analysis of Autoguiding for Exoplanet Transit Research at the UNH Observatory" (2019). Honors Theses and Capstones. 476.
Included in
External Galaxies Commons, Instrumentation Commons, Other Astrophysics and Astronomy Commons