Honors Theses and Capstones
Date of Award
Spring 2013
Project Type
Senior Honors Thesis
College or School
Program or Major
Business Administration
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
First Advisor
Billur Akdeniz
College students in today’s society have become dependent on caffeine in order to perform at their best in multiple facets of their hectic lives, including classes, clubs, and internships. This study focuses on the specific reasons why college students at the University of New Hampshire are consuming caffeine, where they purchase it, what types of caffeinated beverages they are consuming, and how much they are consuming on a daily basis. The results from the study indicate that coffee is the most popular caffeinated product on campus, and that Dunkin’ Donuts at the MUB is the most popular place to buy coffee among UNH caffeine consumers. Major situations in which UNH students consume caffeinated products include when they did not get enough sleep the night before, before driving long distances, and before studying for an exam. University of New Hampshire students seem to understand the health benefits and concerns of caffeine intake, are not influenced by the media or their peers when making caffeine purchase decisions, and very price-sensitive. In order to gain market share in the UNH community, I recommend that retail locations effectively target segments of students whose caffeinated beverage preferences align with their product offerings.
Recommended Citation
Olsen, Nicole L., "Caffeine Consumption Habits and Perceptions among University of New Hampshire Students" (2013). Honors Theses and Capstones. 103.