Submissions from 2016
Townhouse Pond, Cooperative Extension
Submissions from 2015
Business Retention Report: Amherst & Milford, NH 2015, Andre L. Garron AICP; Geoffrey Sewake JD, MELP; Brad Prasky; Marge Sawtelle; and Extension Community & Economic Development
Business Retention Report: Wolfeboro, NH 2016, Andre Garron AICP, Geoffrey Sewake, Marge Sawtelle, and Extension Community & Economic Development
Form Based Code Final 3 19 15, Molly Donovan
Baboosic Lake, Cooperative Extension
Best Practices: Helping Action Groups Succeed, Extension Community & Economic Development
Bow Lake, Cooperative Extension
Bow Lake, Cooperative Extension
Chocorua Lake, Cooperative Extension
Chocorua Lake, Cooperative Extension
Conway Lake, Cooperative Extension
Crystal Lake, Enfield, Cooperative Extension
Depot Pond, Cooperative Extension
Great East Lake, Cooperative Extension
Horn Pond, Cooperative Extension
Lake Ivanhoe, Cooperative Extension
Lake Kanasatka, Cooperative Extension
Lake Winnipesaukee Meredith Bay, Cooperative Extension
Lake Winnipesaukee Site 10 Winter Harbor, Cooperative Extension
Lake Winnipesaukee Station 25 Alton Bay, Cooperative Extension
Lovell Lake, Cooperative Extension
Mendums Pond, Cooperative Extension
Merrymeeting Lake, Cooperative Extension
Milton Three Ponds, Cooperative Extension
Mirror Lake, Cooperative Extension
Naticook Lake, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Black Brook, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Dick Brown Brook, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Georges Brook, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Hemlock Brook, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 1 Deep, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 2 Mayhew, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 3 Pasquaney Bay, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 4 Loon Island, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 5 Cockermouth, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 6 Beechwood, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 8 Follansbee Cove, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Tilton Brook, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Whittemore Brook, Cooperative Extension
Northeast Pond, Cooperative Extension
Pine River Pond, Cooperative Extension
Province Lake, Cooperative Extension
Research Report: Overwintering onions, 2014 to 2015, Becky Sideman
Silver Lake, Madison, Cooperative Extension
Swains Lake Station A, Cooperative Extension
Swains Lake Station B, Cooperative Extension
Townhouse Pond, Cooperative Extension
Submissions from 2014
Washington Master Plan Update Forum, Molly Donovan and Casey Porter
Baboosic Lake, Cooperative Extension
Bow Lake, Cooperative Extension
Chocorua Lake, Cooperative Extension
Chocorua Lake, Cooperative Extension
Conway Lake, Cooperative Extension
Crystal Lake, Enfield, Cooperative Extension
Depot Pond, Cooperative Extension
Enterprise Budget for benchtop production of salad greens, Becky Sideman
First Impressions Fact Sheet, Extension Community & Economic Development
Great East Lake, Cooperative Extension
Great East Lake, Cooperative Extension
Horn Pond, Cooperative Extension
Lake Ivanhoe, Cooperative Extension
Lake Kanasatka, Cooperative Extension
Lake Wentworth, Cooperative Extension
Lake Winnisquam, Cooperative Extension
Lovell Lake, Cooperative Extension
Lovell Lake, Cooperative Extension
Mendums Pond, Cooperative Extension
Merrymeeting Lake, Cooperative Extension
Milton Three Ponds, Cooperative Extension
Mirror Lake, Cooperative Extension
Naticook Lake, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 1 Deep, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 2 Mayhew, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 3 Pasquaney Bay, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 4 Loon Island, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 5 Cockermouth, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 6 Beechwood, Cooperative Extension
Newfound Lake Site 8 Follansbee Cove, Cooperative Extension
Northeast Pond, Cooperative Extension
North River Lake, Cooperative Extension
Pine River Pond, Cooperative Extension
Province Lake, Cooperative Extension
Research Report: Brussels sprouts variety trial and topping study, 2013-2014, Becky Sideman
Research Report: Sweetpotato early harvest study, 2014, Becky Sideman
Research Report: Using low tunnels for overwintering crops - lessons learned, Becky Sideman
Silver Lake, Madison, Cooperative Extension
Spruce and Fir at Risk to Spruce Budworm Defoliation in NH, Cooperative Extension
Spruce Budworm Defoliation in NH, Cooperative Extension
Swains Lake Station A, Cooperative Extension
Swains Lake Station B, Cooperative Extension
Townhouse Pond, Cooperative Extension
Wilson Lake, Cooperative Extension
Submissions from 2013
Baboosic Lake, Cooperative Extension
Baboosic Lake, Cooperative Extension
Bow Lake, Cooperative Extension
Bow Lake, Cooperative Extension
Chocorua Lake, Cooperative Extension
Chocorua Lake, Cooperative Extension
Conway Lake, Cooperative Extension
Conway Lake, Cooperative Extension