Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Unraveling the mystery of leaf reddening in seagrasses, Alyssa B. Novak
Three elements of self-regulated learning: Metacognitive functioning, self-efficacy, and study behavior, Catherine E. Overson
From sweetwater to seawater: An environmental history of Narragansett Bay, 1636--1849, Christopher L. Pastore
Chemistry of acenes, [60]fullerenes, cyclacenes and carbon nanotubes, Chandrani Pramanik
Aspects of String Compactification, Guoqin Ren
Stories worth telling: How one school navigates tensions between innovation and standards, Alison Ann Rheingold
Examining the Relationship Between Social Capital and the Built Environment: A Case Study in Measuring Community Sustainability, Shannon H. Rogers
Preschool teachers' beliefs and practices: Emergent literacy in inclusive preschools, Leigh Rohde
Artifact-based reflective interviews for identifying pragmatic epistemological resources, Christopher Walden Shubert
"The alien within": Residual Catholicism and the emerging national identity of post-Reformation England, Melissa K. Siik (Femino)
The implications of socioeconomic status and a usual source of care for the health and health care experiences of elders with chronic illnesses, Michelle L. Stransky
Study of the rate and spectrum of spontaneous mutations, Way Sung
Wireless Sensor Integrated Tool for Characterization of Machining Dynamics in Milling, Christopher Adam Suprock
I Progress towards the synthesis of plakortether B through a zinc-mediated homologation II Synthesis of novel hydroxy-cyclopropyl peptides isosteres, Ian Scott Taschner
Wage employment, traditional subsistence, and aspirations among Inupiat and Yup'ik in the mixed economy of Northwest Alaska, Catherine Turcotte-Seabury
Competing visions: Women writers and male illustrators in the Golden Age of Illustration, Jason Richard Williams
On decompositions and Connes's embedding problem of finite von Neumann algebras, Jinsong Wu
An Analysis of Appreciative Inquiry as Organizational Development for an Alternative School, Michael Young
Models and methods for computationally efficient analysis of large spatial and spatio-temporal data, Chengwei Yuan
Identifying novel proteins in translation complex by using analytical ultracentrifugation with fluorescent detection system, Chongxu Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The impact of a mathematics research experience on teachers' conceptions of student learning, Todd Abel
Trematode parasites of the mudsnail Ilyanassa obsoleta: An analysis of parasite communities at different scales, Irit Altman
Volatile organic compounds in the New England troposphere: Atmospheric chemistry and measurement techniques, Jesse L. Ambrose
The effects of Didemnum vexillum overgrowth on Mytilus edulis biology and ecology, Linda Ann Auker
Conjecturing in dynamic geometry: A model for conjecture-generation through maintaining dragging, Anna Baccaglini-Frank
Topics in access, storage, and sensor networks, Swapnil Bhatia
Updated life history and population structure assessment of spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, in the Gulf of Maine, Walter Bubley
Modeling the self-assembly of functionalized fullerenes on solid surfaces using Monte Carlo simulations, Gregory J. Bubnis
Violent video game exposure and physical aggression in adolescence: Tests of the General Aggression Model, Donald Bucolo
Studies in Indian informal sector, Arpita Banerjee Chakraborty
A rotating ring-disk study of interactions among SPS, cuprous ions, and oxygen, Yi-Hsin Chen
Community change in the Northern forest, Chris R. Colocousis
Spatial management of groundfish resources in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, Jamie Marie Cournane
Moving beyond entry-level competencies: The role of the recreation management internship in the moral development of college students, Patricia J. Craig
Competencies and problems of poor and non-poor American emerging adults, Jean Dawson
Archiving the sacred: Austin Phelps and the adaptation of nineteenth-century rhetorical education at Andover Theological Seminary, Michael-John DePalma
The reminiscence bump in autobiographical memory: An investigation of the life script hypothesis, Ryan Alexander Dickson
Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Functional Lung Microstructure, Isabel Dregely
Ratiometric fluorescent metal ion indicators based on functionalized poly(N -isopropylacrylamide), Jie Du
Microstructural evolution of sputtered phase segregated metal composite thin films, Dana I. Filoti
"This wilderness world": The evolution of a New England farm town, 1820--1840, Mary Babson Fuhrer
Politics and ethics of student self-assessment in the composition classroom, Mike Garcia
Somatic condition, growth and distribution of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Gulf of Maine, Walter J. Golet
Bimodule categories and monoidal 2-structure, Justin Greenough
Calibration, optimization, and deployment of PTR-MS instruments during the AIRMAP project, Karl B. Haase
Educator perceptions of policies that may impact Black male high school persistence, L Antonio Henley
Corpses revealed: The staging of the theatrical corpse in early modern drama, N M. Imbracsio
I Ceric ammonium nitrate-mediated oxidative cleavages of hemiacetals II Synthesis of beta-proline derivatives through the tandem chain extension-imine capture reaction, Alexander M. Jacobine
Admissible orders on quotients of the free associative algebra, Jeremiah William Johnson
Navigating the cultural gaps: Whiteness and diversity in two elementary school classrooms, Rachel Parse Johnson
Space- and ground-based observations of pulsating aurora, Sarah Jones
Computational and experimental studies of acenes, starphenes and [60]fullerene derivatives, Ryan Paul Kopreski
MF algebras and a Bishop -Stone -Weierstrass theorem result, Qihui Li
Von Neumann algebras, affiliated operators and representations of the Heisenberg relation, Zhe Liu
A high speed serializer/deserializer design, Yifei Luo
Making a "black Beverly Hills": The struggle for housing equality in modern Los Angeles, Jennifer Mandel
Slavery exacts an impossible price: John Quincy Adams and the Dorcas Allen case, Washington, DC, Alison T. Mann
Adolescent sexual orientation and parent-child relationship quality, Rose Anne Medeiros
Local structure of Earth's quasi-perpendicular bow shock, Bin Miao
Measurements of the 2001 April 15 and 2005 January 20 ground -level enhancements by the Milagro water Cerenkov detector, Trevor Morgan
The long journey to become 'the river of national unity': The Sao Francisco river basin from 1940s to 2008 and the interactions of environment, government and local citizens, Lucigleide Nery Nascimento
Creek diplomacy in an imperial Atlantic world, Deena L. Parmelee
The self-help of composition: Peter Elbow's "Writing without Teachers", composition studies, and the extracurriculum, Alexandria Peary
Moving beyond time and choice: Challenge, motivation and achievement during independent reading in high school, Kevin Perks
The application of computational modeling to data visualization, Daniel S. Pineo
Experimental evolution of Burkholderia cenocepacia biofilm populations, Steffen R. Poltak
Movement and behavior of ocean sunfish, Mola mola, in the northwest Atlantic, Inga F. Potter
An initial evaluation of market-based land reform in Brazil: Can it create sustainable communities?, Arthur Powers
Computational studies of nonlinear dispersive plasma systems, Xin Qian
Sophisticated credulity: Are old beliefs disguised by new terminology and selective learning?, Matthew A. Ramsey
Who do I say I am? Evangelical identity and academic writing, Jeffrey M. Ringer
Social science and social capital in the Lamprey River Watershed: A resident survey for community and environmental planning and predicting support for innovative land use, Mary Adamo Robertson
The role of personal and contextual variables in college students' academic achievement, Rachel A. Rogers
Essays on environmental regulations and performance of firms, Shrawantee Saha
Campaigning for authenticity, Erica J. Seifert
Teaching, activism, and the purposes of education: Toward an integrated vision of teachers' work, Carina E. Self
Human-human multi-threaded spoken dialogs in the presence of driving, Oleksandr Shyrokov
Learning systems: An ecological perspective on advanced academic literacy practices of multilingual writers, Steve Simpson
Factors regulating the production of STX-2 in Escherichia coli O157:H7, Kate P. Stefani
Comprehension of protagonists' goals and intentions: The dynamic relation between reading skill, text characteristics, and reading strategies, Jennifer J. Stiegler
Land development in Massachusetts: Its effect on the environment within Essex and Middlesex counties from 1990 to 2007, Peter Sean Tardie
Effects of physical and chemical disturbance on stream ecosystem structure and function, Elena M. Traister
From biosphere to noosphere: Vladimir Vernadsky's theoretical system as a conceptual framework for universal sustainability education, Irina L. Trubetskova
Development and Characterization of a Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope (FNIT) for 1--20 MeV Neutrons From the Sun and Nuclear Material, Richard S. Woolf
Search for the onset of color transparency through neutral rho meson electroproduction on nuclei, Lorenzo Zana
Parent and teacher perceptions of school partnerships in New Hampshire schools, Brenda J. Zarnowski
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Prodigal sons: Indigenous missionaries in the British Atlantic world, 1640--1780, Edward E. Andrews
Bridging cultures: American Indian students at the Northfield Mount Hermon School, Kathryn A. Askins
Sustainable management of industrial capital: LCA and spatial analysis in decision making for beneficial use of industrial by -products, Alberta C. Carpenter
"Chasing a ghost": Addressing the opalescence/aggregation relationship of an IgG 1 antibody, John C. Champagne
"It's just part of what we do": Adolescent interactions with multimodal texts across social spaces, Anita S. Charles
A system model for the effect of Polarization Mode Dispersion on digital modulated optical signals in single mode fibers, Abhijit Shriram Chitambar
The mental demands of marine Ecosystem -based Management: A constructive developmental lens, Verna Gerard DeLauer
Invariant Frechet algebras on bounded symmetric domains, Oleg Eroshkin
Understanding personality through preferences in popular mass media: An archetypal approach, Michael A. Faber