"At the heart of it: Middle school writers use talk and multimedia jour" by Julie A. Pantano

Date of Award

Spring 1999

Project Type


Program or Major

Reading and Writing Instruction

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

First Advisor

Jane Hansen


In this research study, I investigated how middle school writers use talk and multi-media journals to forge a literate classroom community. Talk and multi-media journals helped middle school writers to construct and maintain a safe, caring, supportive, and respectful learning environment where transformative literacy and learning experiences could take place.

Classroom talk played a vital role in improving students' relationships in this literate classroom community and engaging them in meaningful ways with their multi-media journals. During the research study, explicit instruction in the social aspects of talk emerged as important as explicit instruction in language arts content.

The multi-media approach to journal writing evolved from my own membership in a Women's Journal Group. The multi-media approach to journal writing involved the use of other mediums, especially the visual arts, while writing. Students reported that the multi-media journals helped them to begin and continue writing as well as increased their enjoyment of writing.

I conducted this teacher research study over a six month period. I employed the tools and procedures of ethnographic and qualitative research in the data collection and analysis.
