The University of New Hampshire Law Review
[Excerpt] "Law’s interdisciplinary turn toward social sciences suggests a growing realization that jurists may not be independently equipped to explain the world in and upon which they act. But if law embraces empirical social science for its usable output, it struggles to make sense of the more interpretive disciplines such as anthropology. This has proven to be a major setback for both law and anthropology and confounds the historically productive rapport between the two fields stretching back more than a century. While it may be tempting to conclude that today’s legal academic misunderstands the interpretive turn in anthropology, that conclusion offers little to facilitate a rapport of the kind badly needed today."
Repository Citation
Riaz Tejani, Little Black Boxes: Legal Anthropology and the Politics of Autonomy in Tort Law, 11 U.N.H. L. REV. 129 (2013), available at