"Review of: Lawrence J. Kaplan & Rosemarie Tong, Controlling Our Reprod" by Sophie M. Sparrow

RISK: Health, Safety & Environment (1990-2002)


Review of: Lawrence J. Kaplan & Rosemarie Tong, Controlling Our Reproductive Destiny: A Technological and Philosophical Perspective (The MIT Press 1994). Appendix (basic biochemistry), illustrations, index, notes, preface, series foreword by Samuel Goldberg, tables. CIP 93-38060, ISBN 0-262-11176-4 [418 pp. Cloth $29.95. 55 Hayward St., Cambridge MA 02142.]

Repository Citation

Sophie M. Sparrow, Review of: Lawrence J. Kaplan & Rosemarie Tong, Controlling Our Reproductive Destiny: A Technological and Philosophical Perspective, 6 RISK 89 (1995).
