Honors Theses and Capstones

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Project Type

Senior Honors Thesis

College or School



Computer Science

Program or Major

Information Technology

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

First Advisor

Jason Reeves


Internet of Things (IoT) devices are commonly known to be susceptible to security attacks, which can lead to the leakage, theft, or erasure of data. Despite similar attack methods used on conventional technologies, IoT devices differ in how they consist of a small amount of hardware, limited networking capability, and utilize NoSQL databases. IoT solutions prefer NoSQL databases since they are compatible for larger datasets, unstructured and time-series data. However, these implementations are less likely to employ critical security features, like authentication, authorization, and encryption. The purpose of this project is to understand why those security measures are not strictly enforced and propose solutions for the IoT industry. To apply this, a motion sensor IoT device with a NoSQL database backend is simulated to test the performance of various security configurations. Enabling a full security database increases read query performance by 202% and a 102.5% increase for write queries. Enabling other security configurations consistently impact performance as well, requiring a balanced alternative. For this configuration, partial security at minimum is recommended for risk mitigation.
