

Project Type

URC Presentation


Undergraduate Sustainability Research Symposium (Oral)

College or School


Class Year

First Year


Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

Faculty Research Advisor

Nancy Bushinsky

Second Faculty Research Advisor

Jade Chalkley


'How the Life-Cycle of Tobacco, Smoke, and Nicotine (TSN) Products Affect Us and the Environment' is a presentation created to help the audience understand that small actions lead to larger consequences. The life-cycle of tobacco, smoke, and nicotine products is not only harmful to the consumer, but also irreversibly damaging to the environment, economics, and public health. Due to this, the University of New Hampshire has taken it upon itself to create a policy that protects these three pillars of sustainability. The Tobacco, Smoke, and Nicotine -Free Policy at the University of New Hampshire applies to everyone on campus and regards all products derived from nicotine, tobacco, and cannabis. The policy was implemented in January 2022 to promote sustainability and well-being, reduce second and third-hand exposure to smoke, delay the initiation of use, and support individuals in the cessation process. As this is a new policy, the faculty of Health and Wellness and the Sustainability Institute are working to improve and expand upon it, and are excited to soon share those updates with its community members.
