"The Sequencing of The Archaeon Halococcus dombrowskii and An Unknown B" by Nicolette Barber and Abbey Olsen



Project Type

URC Presentation


Department of Life Sciences

College or School


Class Year



Neuropsychology, Biotechnology

Faculty Research Advisor

Kyle MacLea

Second Faculty Research Advisor

Raymond Miller


For our research project we aimed to sequence H. dombrowskii using a novel, archaea specific primer. The current primers available for archaeal 16S rRNA genes are restricted, therefore sequencing information is limited. H. dombrowskii was first discovered in salt mines in Austria. It was isolated from a 200-million-year-old halotite located 650 meters below Earth’s surface. H. dombrowskii is a gram negative, halophilic archaea, so, it requires an environment of high salt concentrations ranging from 20-25% to survive in temperatures between 37 ̊ to 40 ̊C.

We also sequenced an unknown bacteria (#0533) that was later identified as Streptomyces venezuelae. S. venezuelae is a Gram-positive filamentous organism that lives within soil. The sample was collected off-trail on Mount Garfield in NH at an elevation of 2770 ft. at coordinates 44.1997N, 71.6220W on September 21, 2019. The soil was diluted at 1g in 10mL and plated at a concentration of 10-3 mol/L onto LB Lennox agar. The specimen was determined to be Gram positive with a filamentous cellular morphology without spores.
