

Project Type

URC Presentation

College or School


Class Year



Electrical Engineering

Faculty Research Advisor

May-Win Thein


Most robots are designed with a specific purpose and the control systems of each robot are specialized for that purpose. Modularity of components, which is the degree to which a system's components may be separated and recombined, between different mobile robots is almost nonexistent, making it extremely difficult to apply systems to a different application. The aim of this research was to design a modular mobile robotic control board that can be modified and applied to a variety of applications and to determine if modularity of the electrical system is feasible by analyzing the four main components (main processing unit, sensors, actuators, and power) essential for every mobile robot. The goal was to increase the flexibility of the board, allow for easier robotic design development, as well as lower cost. Through the assessment of the schematics and design constraints of various robotic applications, it was determined that only modularity of the power board was feasible.
