"K-12 Data Collection Portal" by Auderien G. Monareh, David J. San Antonio et al.



Project Type

URC Presentation

College or School


Class Year



Computer Science


Computer Science

Faculty Research Advisor

Scott Valcourt

Second Faculty Research Advisor

Brian Shepperd

Third Faculty Research Advisor

Collette Powers


The New Hampshire School Connectivity Initiative (NHSCI) was created to understand and improve the internet speeds and associated costs for the funding of K-12 schools throughout New Hampshire. The goal of our K-12 Data Collection Portal is to provide a user friendly interface for users to enter information about their districts’ connectivity, view the information currently on file, and update that information as needed. Users include School Administrative Unit (SAU) officials, school technical directors,NHSCI officials, legislators, and others. This project implements a website enabling individuals within the SAUs to maintain their school's connectivity data, which is stored within a SQL database. Existing data from previous years has been entered into the database and data collection is ongoing for the current year. Officials from the NHSCI will be able to see the data in an aesthetically pleasing and informative way and utilize the data to make educated decisions about districts needing broadband enhancements and reduced bandwidth costs.
