Interview with Greg Berman and Julian Adler, co-authors, Start Here: A Roadmap to Reducing Mass Incarceration
The United States leads the world in incarceration. That’s a problem, especially the disproportionate impact of “mass incarceration” on low-income men of color. In their new book Start Here: A Roadmap to Reducing Mass Incarceration (The New Press, 2018), Greg Berman and Julian Adler take us though a series of concrete, practical, and practicable steps that we could take to radically reduce the number of people we incarcerate while, at the same time, making our communities healthier and safer.
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New Books Network
Amherst College Press
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Stephen Pimpare interviewing Greg Berman and Julian Adler, co-authors, Start Here: A Roadmap to Reducing Mass Incarceration, New Press (April 23, 2018) (