
Submissions from 2012


Ages of students by gender and degree level fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Ages of students by gender and degree level UNH at Manchester fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Associate degree completions, 2002-2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Bachelor degree completions by college, 2002-2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Degree candidate enrollment by class and gender UNH at Manchester fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of international students by nation and level fall 2011 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of NH students by county and level fall 2011 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of students by state and level fall 2011 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Fall 2011 freshman enrollees (to four-year degree programs), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Graduate degree completions, 2002-2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: UNH Manchester R+30 data for semester I, 2011-12, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: University of New Hampshire R+30 data for semester I, 2011-12, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


New student admissions summary by residency fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


New student admissions summary by residency UNH at Manchester fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Non-traditional students by level and gender fall 2004 - fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


R+30 headcounts of majors by college and gender University of New Hampshire at Manchester fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Student tuition and fees, FY12 UNH at Manchester, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire enrollment counts semester I, 2011-12, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire headcount of students at R30 summary by degree, level, ethnicity fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire R+30 headcounts of majors by college and gender UNH - Durham degree candidates only fall 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment

Submissions from 2011


Ages of students by gender and degree level fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Ages of students by gender and degree level UNH at Manchester fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Annual student tuition and fees, FY11, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Annual student tuition and fees, FY11 UNH at Manchester, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Associate degree completions, 2001 - 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Bachelor degree completions by college, 2001 - 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Continuation and graduation rates of first-time full-time bachelor degree-seeking freshmen by gender and ethnicity 2000-2009 class cohorts, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Counts of students graduating with a minor by program (including Manchester) seven year summary [2004 - 2010], University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Degree candidate enrollment by class and gender UNH at Manchester fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Degree candidate enrollment by level and gender fall 1991 - fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Degree candidate enrollment by level and gender UNH at Manchester fall 1991 - fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Degrees awarded by level and gender 2000-01 to 2009-10, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of international students by nation and level fall 2010 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of NH students by county and level fall 2010 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of students by state and level fall 2010 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Faculty counts summary [fall 2010], University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


First and second majors in associate programs (fall semester counts) Durham and Manchester degree candidates ten years, 2001-2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


First and second majors in associate programs (spring semester counts) Durham and Manchester degree candidates ten years, 2002-2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


First and second majors in baccalaureate programs (fall semester counts) Durham and Manchester degree candidates ten years, 2001-2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


First and second majors in baccalaureate programs (spring semester counts) Durham and Manchester degree candidates ten years, 2002-2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Full-time staff fall 2010 Durham & UNHM, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Graduate degree completions, 2001-2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: UNH Manchester R+30 data for semester I, 2010-11, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: UNH Manchester R+30 data for semester II, 2010-11, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: University of New Hampshire R+30 data for semester I, 2010-11, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: University of New Hampshire R+30 data for semester II, 2010-11, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


New freshman applications, acceptances, paid deposits and enrollments by residency fall 2001 - fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


New student admissions summary by residency fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


New student admissions summary by residency UNH at Manchester fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Non-traditional students by level and gender fall 2003 - fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Race/ethnicity of UNH students, undergraduate and graduate, degree candidates fall 1991 - fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Secondary school class rank and SAT score averages fall 2010 freshman enrollees to four-year degree programs by residency, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Total new freshman applications, acceptances, paid deposits and enrollments fall 2001 - fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Undergraduate financial aid summary 2009-2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Undergraduate tuition and fees, room and board, by residency, FY1971 - current, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


UNH degree candidate fall headcount enrollment by residency, 1981-current with percentage non-residents, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


UNH-Durham degrees awarded, 1871 to 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire at Manchester only statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets (activities statement) [FY10], University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire - Durham only statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets (activities statement) [FY10], University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire enrollment counts semester I, 2010-11, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire enrollment counts semester II, 2010-11, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire headcount multicultural and international student enrollment by college fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire headcount of students at R30 summary by degree, level, ethnicity fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire headcount of students at R30 summary by degree, level, ethnicity spring 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire R+30 headcounts of majors by college and gender UNH - Durham degree candidates only fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire R+30 headcounts of majors by college and gender UNH - Durham degree candidates only spring 2011, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire R+30 headcounts of majors by college and gender UNH - Manchester degree candidates only fall 2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment

Submissions from 2010


Ages of students by gender and degree level fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Ages of students by gender and degree level UNH at Manchester fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Annual student tuition and fees, FY10, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Annual student tuition and fees, FY10 UNH at Manchester, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Associate degree completions, 2000-2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Bachelor degree completions by college, 2000-2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Continuation and graduation rates of first-time full-time degree-seeking freshmen, 1999 - 2008 by gender and ethnicity, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Degree candidate enrollment by level and gender fall 1990 - fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Degrees awarded by level and gender 1999-00 to 2008-09, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of international students by nation and level fall 2009 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of NH students by county and level fall 2009 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Distribution of students by state and level fall 2009 (degree candidates only), University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Enrollment counts by class and gender UNH at Manchester fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Enrollment summary of minority students University of New Hampshire [1990 - 2009], University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Faculty counts summary [fall 2009], University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Graduate degree completions, 2000-2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: UNH Manchester R+30 data for semester I, 2009-10, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: UNH Manchester R+30 data for semester II, 2009-10, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: University of New Hampshire R+30 data for semester I, 2009-10, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment campus: University of New Hampshire R+30 data for semester II, 2009-10, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


New freshman applications, acceptances, paid deposits and enrollments by residency fall 2000 - fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


New student admissions summary by residency fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


New student admissions summary by residency UNH at Manchester fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Non-traditional students by level and gender fall 2002 - fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Secondary school class rank and SAT score averages fall 2009 freshman enrollees to four-year degree programs by residency, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Staff counts summary [fall 2009], University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Teacher evaluation summary data, fall 2002-spring 2009 College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, by term and course level, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Total new freshman applications, acceptances, paid deposits and enrollments fall 2000 - fall 2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Undergraduate financial aid summary 2008-2009, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


Undergraduate tuitions and fees, room and board full-time undergraduates, FY2001 - FY2010, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire - Durham only - statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets (activities statement) [FY09], University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire enrollment counts semester I, 2009-10, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment


University of New Hampshire enrollment counts semester II, 2009-10, University of New Hampshire. Institutional Research and Assessment