"Anionic salts in the prepartum diet and addition of sodium bicarbonate" by Kimberley M. Morrill

Date of Award

Winter 2008

Project Type


Program or Major

Animal Science

Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Peter S Erickson


Forty Holstein cows were assigned to a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments in a completely randomized block design to one of four treatments: basal diet and no sodium bicarbonate in the colostrum replacer; basal diet and supplemental sodium bicarbonate in the colostrum replacer; anionic salts and no sodium bicarbonate in the colostrum replacer; anionic salts and supplemental sodium bicarbonate in the colostrum replacer. Calves received two doses of colostrum replacer +/- sodium bicarbonate at 0 h, 1 dose of colostrum replacer +/- sodium bicarbonate at 6 hours and milk replacer at 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours. Calves receiving sodium bicarbonate had higher serum IgG levels at 24 hours, and higher apparent efficiency of absorption values as compared to calves that did not receive supplemental sodium bicarbonate. Feeding anionic salts during the pre-fresh period did not affect IgG absorption in calves.
