Date of Award

Spring 2008

Project Type


Program or Major


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Michael Gass


The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of an experiential, adventure based program on levels of resilience. Specifically, a mixed methods, quasi-experimental design was implemented to measure the impact of an Anti-Bullying Initiative on students self reported Goals and Aspirations, Problem Solving, Empathy, and Self Efficacy traits. Quantitative data was gathered using the Anti-Bullying Initiative Survey and converged with results from focus groups, interviews, and program observations to assess both program outcomes and processes. Results indicated that this adventure education program did affect levels of resilience in the individual students as well as their school and home environments. By identifying resilient outcomes and fostering a safe and supportive environment, this program provided important tools and experiences that appear to have helped enhance the students' internal assets. Continuity between the program and the school contributed to further improve outcomes as valued in the classroom setting. Providing increased levels of responsibility enabled the students to contribute to the external assets available in both school and peer settings. This "saturation" of assets may have had an impact on home and community environments, working to create more resilient situations in addition to more resilient individuals. Gender differences were noted and deserve further inquiry. The Resilience Cycle, a conceptual model of resilience enhancement, is presented; implications for practice and resilience theory are discussed; and directions for future research are identified.
