Date of Award
Winter 2009
Project Type
Program or Major
Degree Name
Master of Arts
First Advisor
Eliga Gould
Very little is known of John Robinson. This paper endeavors to partially remedy this problem. In order to attempt such a significant project a variety of works were consulted.
While there is very little information about Robinson's first eighteen years, we can piece together insight from the times in which he lived. Further clues come from his own writings while the reminiscences of those who knew him offer additional insight.
Secondary writings include authors such as the late O.S. Davis, William Wallace Fenn, and Perry Miller. Contemporary authors encompass Stephen Brachlow, Timothy George, and Keith Sprunger. A few pictures have been added to help the reader grasp the times and places of this story.
While present-day scholars are unable to offer a detailed word description of who John Robinson was, there is enough information to sketch a penciled likeness, as it were, of this remarkable man.
1Timothy George, John Robinson and the English Separatist Tradition (Macon, Georia: Mercer University Press, 2005), vii.
Recommended Citation
Beliveau, Kathleen C., "John Robinson: The man they would not let us forget" (2009). Master's Theses and Capstones. 124.