"Correctional group treatment for victims of sexual assault" by Todd Derbyshire

Date of Award

Spring 2009

Project Type


Program or Major


Degree Name

Master of Arts

First Advisor

Loan T Phan


There is a lack of research regarding therapeutic treatment for inmates who suffer from suicidal ideation after being sexually victimized. This paper reviews the existing research on sexual assault in prisons and the various impacts an event can lead to including suicidal ideation. A model is proposed in using reality therapy to introduce a new perspective in treatment for inmates that suffer suicidal ideation from being sexually victimized.

Many psychological theories are suggested when working with the sexually victimized population. The uniqueness of the correctional population emphasizes the strengths of reality therapy. In reality therapy the individual is limited only to their own insight in realizing what he or she is able to do in their situation. This insight in an otherwise debilitating setting can have therapeutic breakthroughs where other theories fall short. Implications for treatment and suggestions for future research are discussed.
