Student Research Projects
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Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences
The clam species Mya arenaria is a common model organism in leukemia research. The current method for classifying the degree of cancer progression is by examining cell morphology with light microscopy. This approach is highly qualitative, which makes differentiation of pre-leukemic and semi-leukemic individuals difficult. One quantitative approach that may differentiate individuals is based on levels of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) expression. The enzyme assay ALDEFLUOR® can actively measure ALDH expression in viable cells, but the effectiveness of certain protocol conditions is dependent upon the cell type.
Date of Publication or Presentation
Project Type
Undergraduate Research Project
College or School
First Advisor
Charles Walker
Recommended Citation
Norwood, Katherine F., "Investigations into Aldefluor as a Novel Method for Identifying Leukemia in Soft-Shell Clams" (2014). Student Research Projects. 17.
Included in
Biochemistry Commons, Laboratory and Basic Science Research Commons, Marine Biology Commons, Molecular Biology Commons