We have been developing a Compton scatter polarimeter for measuring the linear polarization of hard X-rays (100-300 keV) from astrophysical sources. A laboratory prototype polarimeter has been used to successfully demonstrate the reliability of our Monte Carlo simulation code and to demonstrate our ability to generate a polarized photon source in the lab. Our design concept places a self-containedpolarimeter module on the front-end of a a 5-inch position sensitive PMT (PSPMT). We are currently working on the fabrication of a science model based on this PSPMT concept. Although the emphasis of our development effort is towards measuring hard X-rays from solar flares, our design has the advantage that it is sensitive over a rather large field-of-view (>1 steradian), a feature that makes it especially attractive for γ-ray burst studies.
Space Science Center, Physics
Publication Date
Journal Title
Conference Record of the 1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Recommended Citation
McConnell, M.L.; Macri, J.R.; McClish, M.; Ryan, J.; Forrest, D.J.; Vestrand, W.T., "Development of a hard X-ray polarimeter for astrophysics," Nuclear Science Symposium, 1998. Conference Record. 1998 IEEE , vol.1, no., pp.698,704 vol.1, 1998.
c 1999 IEEE