Radio Higher Ed

College Disrupted: The Great Unbundling of Higher Education

Ryan Craig


Ryan Craig, author of “College Disrupted: The Great Unbundling of Higher Education” joins Radio Higher Ed as a part of the continuing Author Series. Craig is founding managing director of University Ventures, which funds companies who partner with institutions of higher education. His book is a result of a series of newsletters produced by University Ventures. In Craig’s view, much of the debt associated with higher education is related to the “bundles” in which it is delivered. He proposes unbundling higher education, would enable institutions to provide students with only those services they need and are willing to pay for. Craig discusses how despite the fact that isomorphism challenges the concept of unbundling, diverse models of education are needed to reach a more diverse student body. Craig briefly touches upon initiatives that would help reverse isomorphism including competency-based learning, adaptive learning, and the gamification of learning.