PREP Reports & Publications
A Wellhead Protection Program (WHPP) identifies existing and potential sources of contamination to public water supply wells. The purpose of a WHPP is to prevent contamination of groundwater used for drinking water, recognizing the best way to maintain high quality drinking water is to prevent contaminants from reach drinking water sources. The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act requires states to develop Wellhead Protection Programs. New Hampshire’s Groundwater Protection Act, NH RSA 485-C, provides the basis for protection in New Hampshire. The Town of Exeter, New Hampshire has developed this WHPP for three wells, the Lary Lane well, the Gilman well, and the Stadium well. Funding for the development of this WHPP was provided by the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. The Plan was written by the Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) with assistance from the Town of Exeter’s Department of Public Works and the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee. The RPC gratefully acknowledges the information provided by Brian Goetz of Weston & Sampson. The water supply for the Town of Exeter is a combination of surface and groundwater. The Exeter River is the principal supply source for the Town’s municipal water system. Water from the River is diverted to the Town’s water treatment plant through the pumping station located on the east side of the Exeter River, near the Phillips Exeter Academy football stadium. During the winter months, water is taken from the Exeter Reservoir adjacent to Portsmouth Avenue because ice build-up prevents intake from the Exeter River. The water stored in the Reservoir comes from the Exeter River, Dearborn Brook and Skinner Springs. Groundwater from the Lary Lane well is also used to meet an average water system daily demand of 1.1 million gallons. The Gilman well and Stadium well are not active at this time. The Town of Exeter purchased the water system from the Exeter Water Works Company in 1950. Until the renovation of the water treatment plant in 1974, the Town relied on groundwater to supply the municipal system. The Town is revisiting the option of using groundwater supplies in conjunction with the surface water supply to provide the town with a more diversified system. Included in this investigation is a review of current land use surrounding three existing wells located in Town, the Lary Lane well, Gilman well, and Stadium well.
Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership
Publication Date
Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership, Durham, NH
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Wellhead Protection Program, "(2008) Wellhead Protection Program - Lary Lane, Gilman, and Stadium Wells in the Town of Exeter, NH" (2008). PREP Reports & Publications. 54.