"Monitoring Macroalgae in the Great Bay Estuary for 2014" by David M. Burdick, Arthur C. Mathieson et al.

PREP Reports & Publications


Four more intertidal fixed transect sites were added to the long5term macroalgal monitoring array, resulting in a total of eight sites for the Great Bay Estuary. Monitoring results from 2014 show high levels of cover of nuisance green and red algae (Ulva and Gracilaria, respectively) at all sites except near the mouth of the Estuary. Seasonal sampling of algal cover confirmed earlier work that showed mid5summer accumulations of green algae (primarily Ulva)lactuca) were largely replaced in late summer and fall by red algae (two species of Graciliaria, one native and the other introduced). A determination of whether intertidal macroalgal populations are increasing over time will require a longer time series and would likely benefit from historical analysis of earlier collections of intertidal macroalgae. To this end, a method for analysis of historical photographs was developed.


Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership

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Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership

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