The New Hampshire Water Resource Research Center (WRRC), located on the campus of the University of New Hampshire, is an institute which serves as a focal point for research and information on water issues in the state and region. The NH WRRC was established under the provisions of the Water Resource Research Act of 1964 (PL 88-379).


Submissions from 2023


A Hedonic Analysis of the Impact of PFAS Contamination in New Hampshire Municipal Water Supplies on House Prices, Stephanie Brockmann


Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US, New Hampshire Water Resource Research Center (WRRC)


NH Water Resources Research Center Information Transfer, William H. McDowell


Open-source, low-cost environmental sensing: development and education, Amy Marie Villamagna


Uptake and bioaccumulation of PFAS and precursor compounds in lake food webs, Celia Chen


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds, William H. McDowell


Water Quality and the Landscape: Real time monitoring in the Lamprey River watershed, William H. McDowell

Submissions from 2022


Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US, William H. McDowell


Evaluating Environmental DNA Lake Assessments: A Potential Early Warning Alert for the Presence of Cyanobacteria Associated with HAB Formation in New England Lakes, Alison Watts


Impact of geomorphology and riparian vegetation on New England riverbank erosion, Anne Lightbody


Land Conservation for Flood Risk Management: Ecosystem-based Approaches in NH’s Coastal Watershed, Catherine M. Ashcraft


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center Information Transfer, William H. McDowell


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds, William H. McDowell


Water Quality and the Landscape: Real time monitoring in the Lamprey River watershed, William H. McDowell

Submissions from 2018


Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S., NH WRRC, University of New Hampshire


Ecosystem Indicators for Freshwater Streams, Alison Watts


Effects of dissolved organic carbon on methylmercury bioavailability in stream ecosystems, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Celia Y. Chen, and James Shanley


Hot and Salty: Assessing ecological stress in New Hampshire streams at community, population, and molecular levels, Amy Marie Villamagna


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer, William H. McDowell


Salt and Streams: Assessing ecological stress in New Hampshire watersheds at community, population, and molecular levels, Amy Marie Villamagna


Stormwater and Development: How do New Hampshire’s communities address the impacts in the land use planning process?, June Hammond Rowan


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds, William H. McDowell and Michelle Daley Shattuck

Submissions from 2017


Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S., William H. McDowell, Sarah J. Nelson, Steve Kahl, and J. Saros


Ecosystem Indicators for Freshwater Streams, Alison Watts


Effects of dissolved organic carbon on methylmercury bioavailability in stream ecosystems, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Celia Y. Chen, and James Shanley


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center Annual Technical Report FY 2016, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2016, William H. McDowell and Michelle Daley Shattuck


Salt and Streams: Assessing ecological stress in New Hampshire watersheds at community, population, and molecular levels, Amy Marie Villamagna


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds 2016, William H. McDowell and Michelle Daley Shattuck

Submissions from 2016


Contribution of fluvial wetlands to nitrogen retention in urbanizing coastal watersheds in New England across multiple scales, Anne Lightbody, Linda Kalnejais, and Wil Wollheim


Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S., William H. McDowell, Sarah J. Nelson, Steve Kahl, and J. Saros


Improved Ecosystem Indicator Tools for Water QualityManagement – Genomic Analysis of Periphyton to IdentifyStressors, Alison Watts and W. Kelly Thomas


Natural dams and biogeochemistry at the river network scale: implications for water quality, Denise Burchsted, Christopher Brehme, Mark B. Green, Jennifer M. Jacobs, and Wil Wollheim


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center Annual Technical Report FY 2015, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center University of New Hampshire Program Evaluation Report Fiscal Years 2011 - 2015, William H. McDowell and Michelle Daley Shattuck


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2015, William H. McDowell and Michelle Daley Shattuck


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds 2015, William H. McDowell and Michelle Daley Shattuck

Submissions from 2015


Contribution of fluvial wetlands to nitrogen retention in urbanizing coastal watersheds in New England across multiple scales, Anne Lightbody, Linda Kalnejais, and Wil Wollheim


Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S., William H. McDowell and Steve Kahl


Natural dams and biogeochemistry at the river network scale: implications for water quality, Denise Burchsted, Mark B. Green, Jennifer M. Jacobs, and Wil Wollheim


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center Annual Technical Report FY 2014, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2014, Michelle Daley


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds 2014, Michelle Daley

Submissions from 2014


Arsenic chemical dynamics in NH groundwater reservoirs: Insights from temporal variability in multi-element signatures of statewide samples, Julia G. Bryce


Award--Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S., William H. McDowell and Steve Kahl


James Hall Vegetated Roof Nutrient Removal Efficiency and Hydrologic Response, Robert Roseen and Thomas P. Ballestero


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center Annual Technical Report FY 2013, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center: Program Evaluation Report Fiscal Years 2008 - 2010, Michelle Daley


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2013, William H. McDowell


Participatory Water Quality Assessment Through the NH Lakes Lay Monitoring Program, Jeffrey Schloss


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds 2013, William H. McDowell

Submissions from 2013


Arsenic chemical dynamics in NH groundwater reservoirs: Insights from temporal variability in multi-element signatures of statewide samples, Julia G. Bryce


Determining the Impact of Coal Tar Based Driveway Sealant on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentrations in NH Waterbodies, Alison Watts


James Hall Vegetated Roof Nutrient Removal Efficiency and Hydrologic Response, Robert Roseen and Thomas P. Ballestero


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center Annual Technical Report FY 2012, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2012, William H. McDowell


Participatory Water Quality Assessment Through the NH Lakes Lay Monitoring Program, Jeffrey Schloss


USGS Award No. G11AP20128 Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S., William H. McDowell and Steve Kahl


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds 2012, William H. McDowell

Submissions from 2012


Arsenic chemical dynamics in NH groundwater reservoirs: Insights from temporal variability in multi-element signatures of statewide samples, Julia G. Bryce


Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S., William H. McDowell and Steve Kahl


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center Annual Technical Report FY 2011, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2011, William H. McDowell


Nutrient Loading Coefficients for NH Watersheds: Development and Connectivity, Jeffrey Schloss


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds 2011, William H. McDowell

Submissions from 2011


Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US, 2010, William H. McDowell, Steve Kahl, and Sarah J. Nelson


Effects of Development on Nutrient Loading Final Report, Jeffrey Schloss


Hydrologic and Isotopic Investigation of Base Flow Generation in the Headwaters Lamprey River Watershed, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2010, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Public information digests in support of the UNH Stormwater Center and the NH Stormwater Commission, Robert Roseen and Steve Kahl


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds 2010, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Water Resources Research Center Annual Technical Report FY 2010, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)

Submissions from 2010


Annual Report: Urbanization Impacts on NH Streamwater Thermal Loading, Jennifer M. Jacobs


A Pilot Study Of Septic Impacts On Water Quality: Using Boron Concentrations And Isotopes As A Source Tracer Status Report: March 1, 2009 through February 28, 2010, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US, 2009, Steve Kahl, William H. McDowell, Sarah J. Nelson, and Katherine Webster


Effects of Development on Nutrient Loading: Septic System Influence Status Report: March 1 2009 through February 28 2010, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Final Report: Watershed Assessment of New Boston Air Force Station, Emily DiFranco and William H. McDowell


New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center: Program Evaluation Report Fiscal Years 2003 - 2007, William H. McDowell


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2009, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds 2009, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Water Resources Research Center Annual Technical Report FY 2009, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)

Submissions from 2009


Annual Report: Urbanization Impacts on NH Streamwater Thermal Loading, Jennifer M. Jacobs


Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US, Steve Kahl, William H. McDowell, Sarah J. Nelson, and Katherine Webster


New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer 2008, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


The role of landscape controls on stream chemistry variability and inorganic aluminum mobilization in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Kevin McGuire, Scott Bailey, Christian Doogan, Robert Estabrook, and Steve Kahl


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Water Quality Change: Effects of Development on Nutrient Loading in Selected Watersheds, Jeffrey Schloss


Watershed Assessment of New Boston Air Force Station (NBAFS), New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)

Submissions from 2008


Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US, Steve Kahl, Katherine Webster, William H. McDowell, and Sarah J. Nelson


Physical, Biological, and Biogeochemical Response of a Northeastern River to a Severe Flood, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)


Water Quality Change: Effects of Development on Nutrient Loading in Selected Watersheds, Jeffrey Schloss


Watershed Assessment of New Boston Air Force Base, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)

Submissions from 2007


Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US, Steve Kahl, Katherine Webster, and William H. McDowell


Protecting Water Supply Quality through Watershed Planning and Management, John M. Halstead


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)

Submissions from 2006


A comparison of methods to determine the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon from different terrestrial sources, William H. McDowell, A. Zsolnay, Jacqueline A. Aitkenhead-Peterson, E. G. Gregorich, D. L. Jones, D. Jodemann, K. Kalbitz, B. Marschner, and D. Schwesig


Assessing Homeowner Risk and Knowledge in Mitigating Nonpoint Source Pollution in Coastal Watersheds, Mary Adamo Robertson and Robert A. Robertson


Linking Foliar Chemistry to Forest Floor Solid and Solution Phase Organic C and N in Picea abies [L.] Karst Stands in Northern Bohemia, Jacqueline A. Aitkenhead-Peterson, Jess E. Alexander, Jana Albrechtova, Pavel Kram, Barrett Rock, Pavel Cudlin, Jakub Hruska, Zuzana Lhotakova, Ryan Huntley, Filip Oulehle, Tomas Polak, and William H. McDowell


Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds, New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC)