
A multi-generational workforce creates diversity in organizations. At present, there are four, and potentially, five generations of employees in the workplace. Various historical and social events have influenced each generation. The distinct life experiences of each generation have shaped workplace values and beliefs which in tum has created tension areas in the workplace. Leaders can tum those challenges into opportunities for the organization by drawing on the concept of emotional intelligence. Leaders with high emotional intelligence skills can regulate and manage their emotion, understand and empathetically relate to the emotion displayed by others, and leverage this skill to understand the generational differences to form an engaged team. The present research posited that a leader's level of emotional intelligence positively impacts job satisfaction along with employee engagement.

Project Type


College or School

College of Professional Studies Granite Division

Program or Major



Spring 2018

MSLD_Wolbert_Jodi_Capstone_Paper.pdf (3075 kB)
Capstone Paper
