"Boy Scouts of America: Training Leaders for Tomorrow" by Chad Bacastow


The Boy Scouts is an organization long known for making a positive impact on America’s youth. The definitive answer to what that impact is, in terms of leadership development, has been studied for years. This capstone has built on past work and investigated how the Scouts train youth to become successful leaders. A definition of what comprises leadership success in today’s diverse and multi-generational labor force is first examined. An exploration into the training that Scouts receive and how this knowledge relates to the practice of successful leadership is developed. The results indicate that Scouts, through transformational and servant leadership, and the overall Scouting experience, do train and prepare America’s youth for tomorrow’s leadership challenges. In light of recent membership decline, it is intended that the results of this investigation may raise awareness of the benefits that the Scouts offer to our youth and our future leadership.

Project Type


College or School

College of Professional Studies Granite Division

Program or Major



Fall 2018

MSLD_Bacastow_Chad_Capstone_Paper.pdf (8289 kB)
Capstone Paper
