"Carolyn Gamtso and Patricia Halpin travel to Ireland" by Carolyn White Gamtso and Patricia A. Halpin


In August 2014, we travelled together to Limerick, Republic of Ireland to participate jointly in a panel discussion at the Information Literacy Section Satellite Meeting of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress. Hosted by the Limerick Institute of Technology, the conference’s theme was “Facing the Future: Librarians and Information Literacy in a Changing Landscape.” The topics discussed and debated (information literacy and social media; information literacy as a “meta-literacy”; information literacy and distance learning)relate directly to conversations our UNH Manchester colleagues are having about how best to teach our students the transferable critical thinking skills they will need both as members of the workforce and members of their communities. We were very excited to have our presentation proposal accepted at this competitive conference. Our presentation was an opportunity for us to share our teaching practices and our research with an international audience of librarians and educators. It was also a chance to meet and network with colleagues from around the world, colleagues who, like us, are dedicated to developing students’ information fluency in an environment of constant technological change. Our trip was generously funded by the UNH Center for International Education, the UNH Manchester Humanities Division, the UNH Manchester Science &Technology Division, and the UNH Manchester Deans & Chairs.

Publication Date

Fall 2014


University of New Hampshire

Document Type

