Integrating the Internet into health administration education: a report from AUPHA's Faculty Internet integration task force.
HRSA funded a survey to determine what Internet resources would be most useful to AUPHA membership. This manuscript describes the Internet-intensive survey methodology, reports the survey results, and lists the task force recommendations. The task force used sequential questionnaires posted on the Web to gather both potentially useful Internet resource ideas and membership perceptions of the importance of each idea. Resources recommended by survey participants and the Task Force members emphasized potential improvements to the AUPHA and AUPHA-member Web pages.
Health Management and Policy
Publication Date
Fall 1999
Journal Title
Journal of Health Administration Education
Association of University Programs in Health Administration
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Woodward, R.S., Alemi, F., Larsson, L., Lee, J.M., Smith, T., Perez, T.H., Dalston, J.W., Reed, L., Kress, J.R. Integrating the Internet into health administration education: a report from AUPHA's Faculty Internet integration task force. (1999) The Journal of health administration education, 17 (4), pp. 259-270.