"Lewis-Burke Analysis of the Federal Innovation and Commercialization L" by Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC

Lewis-Burke Analysis of the Federal Innovation and Commercialization Landscape 2017

Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC


The Lewis-Burke Analysis of the Federal Innovation and Commercialization Landscape 2017 is an extensive examination of federal efforts to support commercialization, innovation, and technology transfer activities.

While this document is not a complete list of federal innovation and commercialization initiatives, it serves as a snapshot of the ongoing conversation and opportunities in this space.

Specifically, this document provides:

  • An update on innovation and commercialization priorities of Congress and the Trump Administration
  • Federal agency priorities related to innovation, university-industry partnerships, and technology transfer
  • Detailed analysis of federal funding opportunities to encourage technology transfer and public-private partnerships (Appendix A).

If you have any questions about any of the programs described in the analysis document, please contact the UNH Research Office.