
Sense of Community among Event Stakeholders during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of the Illinois Marathon


This study investigated the ways in which event stakeholders perceived and actively secured their sense of community (SOC) in the wake of an event cancellation during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted document analysis and semi-structured interviews with 31 event stakeholders, including 14 runners, 9 volunteers, 4 business owners, and 4 charitable organization managers. Findings revealed that SOC among event stakeholders went through three key stages: leaving a hole in the community, getting a glimpse of normalcy, and living in a new normal. The findings extend the existing literature that has mainly focused on how hosting sport events contributes to SOC, rather than on SOC related to event cancellation, by highlighting how personal and contextual factors contribute to the unique trajectory of SOC among event stakeholders. This study also proposes strategies for keeping socially connected in the absence of in-person sport events, such as increasing media outlets and using interactive apps.


Recreation Management and Policy

Publication Date


Journal Title

Journal of Global Sport Management


Taylor and Francis+NEJM

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Document Type

