Resonant Formation of Cluster Anions Containing SF6 Involving a Pick-up Experiment with Argon and Nitrogen Clusters
Electron attachment to species formed in an experiment involving the interaction of either Ar or N2 clusters with SF6 background gas leads to the formation of cluster anions Mm(SF6)n− containing as many as 20 monomers (M = Ar or N2) and up to five SF6 molecules, including also “pure” (SF6)n−. All of these ions are formed resonantly near 0 eV electron energy. In the case of N2 clusters, another resonance near 1.8 eV is observed which is related to (intra-cluster) auto-scavenging, involving the 2Πg transient negative ion state of solvated N2. These observations, and the absence of SF5-containing clusters, make it possible to identify unambiguously the mechanism through which the observed ions form. In a first step, mixed neutral clusters Mx(SF6)y arise from pick-up reactions; subsequent electron attachment to these species results in mixed and pure cluster ions.
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International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes
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V. Grill, O. Echt and T. D. Märk, Resonant Formation of Cluster Anions Containing SF6 Involving a Pick-up Experiment with Argon and Nitrogen Clusters, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 149/150 (1995) 27 - 36.