Submissions from 2023
UNH Employee Health and Hygiene Training Record (.pdf), Wendy Johnecheck
UNH Extension Insect ID Submission Form, Shyloh Favreau
UNH Extension Plant Diagnostic Lab Sample Submission Form, Shyloh Favreau
Vaccine Education Pathway Flyer, UNH Cooperative Extension
Walk With Ease Pathway Flyer, UNH Cooperative Extension
Webinar Access to Nature & Its Economic Implications, Shannon Rogers Ph.D., Cody G. Crytzer, Scott Lemos Ph.D., Catherine M. Ashcraft Ph.D., Molly Donovan, Maddie Smith, Samantha Trombley, and Janel Lawton
Woodlot Wanderings February 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Woodlot Wanderings March 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Worksheet - Air Blast Sprayer, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Backpack Sprayer Calibration, George Hamilton and Amy Papineau
Worksheet - Backpack Sprayer Calibration 1/128th Method, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Backpack Sprayer Calibration Actual Area Sprayed Method, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Boom Sprayer 1 Minute Method, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Boom Weed Sprayer, George Hamilton
Submissions from 2022
4-H Winter Hiking Challenge 2022-2023 Log Book, UNH Cooperative Extension
Farm Income Taxation for Beginning Farm Businesses, Kelly McAdam
Farm Income Taxation for Beginning Farm Businesses, Kelly McAdam
Year 1 PPP Final Report, Haley Andreozzi, Malin Clyde, Wellsley Costello, Alyson L. Eberhardt, and Charlotte Thompson
Tree and Shrub ID Workshop Flyer, Extension
Characteristics of a Vibrant Downtown Fact Sheet, Molly Donovan
Characteristics of a Vibrant Downtown Fact Sheet, Casey Porter
Financial Benchmarks for Diversified, Direct-Market Produce Farms, Michael Sciabarrasi
NH 4-H Animal Requirements and Deadlines, Extension
Grafton County 4-H Jingle Bell Parade - flyer, Extension
NH Prescribed Fire Council Meeting Minutes - 10/25/2022, UNH Cooperative Extension
Crop Tree Management Workshop Flyer - 11-17-2022, Extension
Perennial Pepperweek ID Card_2022, Malin Clyde and Charlotte Thompson
4-H Foundation of New Hampshire Scholarship Application, Cooperative Extension, Coos County
Coös County 4-H Project Record Book (age 11-13), Christine Whiting
Coös County 4-H Project Record Book (age 14-18), Christine Whiting
Coös County 4-H Project Record Book (age 8-10), Christine Whiting
Marketing YOU: National 4‑H Youth Summit on Agri-Science Application, Michelle B Robblee
Spongy Moth [fact sheet], Rachel Maccini
UNH Plant Diagnostic Lab Submission Form 2022, Madeleine Hassett
Virtual Meeting Best Practices for the Host, Sue Cagle
Virtual Meeting Best Practices for the Participant, Sue Cagle
Caliciopsis canker and White Pine Needle Damage, Isabel Munck
Drought and Eastern White Pine, Cameron McIntire
Eastern White Pine in Wisconsin, Gregory Edge
Eastern White Pine Management in Massachusetts, Nicholas Brazee
Eastern White Pine Management in Western North Carolina, Jim Phillips
Eastern White Pine Past Present and Future, William H. Livingston
Eastern White Pine Symposium: Management Trends, William H. Livingston
Eastern White Pine Symposium Part 1 Review, William H. Livingston
Managing Eastern White Pine in Virginia, Zach Olinger
New York Forest Conditions and White Pine Management, Jessica Cancelliere and Rob Cole
Updates on Insect Pests of Eastern White Pine, William H. Livingston
White Pine in New Hampshire, Karen P. Bennett and Steven S. Roberge
White Pine Management in Maine, Bob Seymour
Ep 45 description: Salaries and Overtime, Wages vs Salary, Eva Moss and Kate Cowie-Haskell
Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training - Fall 2022, Extension
Building Community Resilience Education & Training Series - Fall 2022, Molly Donovan
Community Assessment Information Brief, Casey Porter and Extension Community & Economic Development
NH Prescribed Fire Council Meeting Minutes - 8/9/2022, UNH Cooperative Extension
Resume Portfolio for Coos County update Aug 5 22, Christine Whiting
Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual Order Form_ August 2022, Jacob N. Winn Mr.
Trail Stewardship in Coös County NH, Malin Clyde, Molly Donovan, Charlotte Thompson, Emma Tutein, Haley Andreozzi, and Amanda Royce
4-H and Youth Animal Show Entry Information for the 2022 Hopkinton State Fair, Hannah Majewski
4-H Animal Exhibitor & Parent/Guardian Form, Christine Whiting
4-H at the Hopkinton State Fair Newsletter, Hannah Majewski
4-H Project Page for Lancaster Fair, Christine Whiting
Eight Ways Nature Supports New Hampshire's Economy, Shannon H. Rogers and Cody G. Crytzer
An Update on Water Feeding to Preweaned Calves, Pete Erickson and Ethan Hickey
Nature Supports a Vibrant Downtown Economy, Shannon Rogers
NH 4-H Animal Science with Cloverbuds, Mary Davis
Using EDDMapS to Map Invasive Plants in NH, Malin Clyde
4-H Marketing YOU: National 4-H Dairy Conference, Hannah Majewski
Strengthening Communities: Downtowns & Trails Ossipee, New Hamshire, Shannon Rogers
Product Sales Forecast Workbook 1.0 [workbook], Micheal Sciabarrasi and Nada Al-Haddad
Research Report: High Tunnel Tomato Fruit Cluster Pruning, Caterina Roman and Rebecca G. Sideman
4-H County Medal Application, Christine Whiting
NH Prescribed Fire Council Meeting Minutes - 4/7/2022, UNH Cooperative Extension
Measuring Racial Equity in New Hampshire’s Food System, Olivia Saunders and Jennifer Wilhelm
New Farmer School: Developing a Values-Based Vision for your Farm, Kelly McAdam
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction - Buyers Booklet, Michelle B Robblee
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction Flyer, Michelle B Robblee
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction - Market Animal Project Record Book, Michelle B Robblee
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction - Market Beef Project Workbook, Michelle B Robblee
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction - Market Goat Project Workbook, Michelle B Robblee
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction - Market Lamb Project Workbook, Michelle B Robblee
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction - Market Swine Project Workbook, Michelle B Robblee
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction - Participant Rules, Michelle B Robblee
NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction - Sponsor Form, Michelle B Robblee
Starting a Farm Business: Self Assessment Workbook, Kelly McAdam
STEM Discovery Lab Application, Sarah Grosvenor
STEM Lab Assistant and Instructor Job, Sarah Grosvenor
STEM Lab Content Creator Job, Sarah Grosvenor
The Year in Volunteers 2021, Haley Andreozzi
Barry Conservation Camp BCC - 2022 Job Descriptions, Dave Kellam
NH Towns Surveyed for Elongate Hemlock Scale in 2022, Cooperative Extension
NH Towns Surveyed for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in 2022, Cooperative Extension
Resiliency Academy 2022 SAVE THE DATE(S), Dave Kellam
LLMP Supply Checklist, 2022, Robert Craycraft
Building Rural Community Resilience Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Charles French
NH Prescribed Fire Council Meeting Minutes - 2/15/2022, Cooperative Extension
Prospective Buyer Guide 2022, Rebecca DiGirolomo, Brendan Prusik, Timothy Fleury, Gregory J. Jordan, Jim Frohn, Steven S. Roberge, Jeremy Delisle, and Elaina Enzien
Avian Influenza Reminder!, Elaina Enzien
Mowing for Pollinators, Laura O. Johnson