"The college president and the technology leader: Defining a new role i" by Elizabeth Ann Rivet

Date of Award

Spring 1997

Project Type


Program or Major


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

First Advisor

Todd De Mitchell


The research investigated the working relationship between the small college president and the campus technology leader and determined some aspects that might facilitate and strengthen their relationship. The cross-sectional study considered, as voiced by the small college president, the extent of influence in campus wide decision making activities viewed as appropriate for the campus technology leader.

The research focused on presidents of small private and public accredited liberal arts schools in the United States, having between 500 and 3,000 full time students and offering (at least) baccalaureate degrees. The research instrument was a questionnaire containing thirty forced-choice questions which measured (1) the president's personal use of campus information technologies, (2) the administrative reporting levels separating the technology leader and the college president, (3) whether the college president actually appointed the technology leader, (4) the level of recognition given to information technology by the president, and (5) the participation of the technology leader in decision making activities.

A total of 213 responses revealed technology leaders' participation in decision making and the importance of the information technology infrastructure were not impacted by their college president's hands-on experience with campus technology. However, the administrative distance between the college president and technology leader and the president's personal view of the importance of campus technology were nearly equally strong predictors of the technology leader's role in campus decision making.

This dissertation considered elements of a relatively new collegiate relationship--between the college president and the campus technology leader. Further research is warranted to assess other factors that contribute to the participation of the technology leader in campus decision making done at the highest levels of the administration.
