Date of Award

Winter 1980

Project Type


Program or Major


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


English Word-Making presents the content and methods of modern research in morphology in the form of a textbook for secondary school English students.

The opening section offers a rationale for the uses of morphology at the secondary level. The emergence of English as a subject in the curriculum is traced historically; and the study of morphology is related specifically to humanistic goals and to the enhancing of skills in language analysis, speaking, reading, vocabulary growth, grammar and usage study, spelling, composition, and literary interpretation.

The main body of the text consists of ten chapters, each exploring, diachronically and synchronically, a primary category of English word-formation: compounding, reduplication, derivation, conversion, clipping, back formation, acronyming, blending, and eponyming.

Each chapter includes exercises that require students to apply what they have learned about the English language. At the end of each chapter are extensive Notes that reinforce and expand the concepts presented in the main text.

Appendix 1 is an exposition of English spelling through a cataloguing of various phoneme-grapheme correspondences. Appendix 2 is an attempt to apply to the slang lexicon of St. Paul's School (vintage 1978) the principals of morphological analysis that are treated throughout the manuscript.
