Parents’ reports of patterns of use and exposure to practices associated with AAC acceptance by individuals with Angelman Syndrome


The primary purpose of this investigation was to enhance our understanding of AAC use by individuals with Angelman syndrome (AS) in relation to two broad genotypes: Deletion Positive (DP) and Non Deletion (ND). Previous investigators have suggested individuals without deletions typically exhibit stronger cognitive and communicative abilities than their DP counterparts. This investigation focused on several aspects of AAC use: communication systems used; exposure to, success with, and acceptance of electronic AAC devices; and exposure to practices associated with AAC acceptance. Results indicated that both groups rely heavily on unaided, nonsymbolic methods of communication, with the ND group more likely to use conventional, symbolic systems. While the two groups were similar with respect to exposure to an array of electronic devices, the DP group appeared more likely to have gone no further than low-tech devices such as the BIGmack™. There was strong evidence of both groups’ capabilities for success with high-tech devices and overall acceptance of devices in terms of duration of use. This proved especially noteworthy in light of both groups’ limited exposure to practices associated with AAC acceptance. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed along with future avenues of research.


Communication Sciences and Disorders

Publication Date


Journal Title

Augmentative and Alternative Communication


Informa Healthcare

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


Document Type



© 2013 International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
