Comm-entary | Vol 16 | Iss 1

Spring 2020

In this 40th edition, Comm-Entary continues to explore the nature of communication across the broad range of situations, genres, and technologies by which we communicate and prosper together. All of the scholarship in this edition focuses on pre-Covid-19 communication phenomena. We collected and selected these essays before the pandemic and social distancing that framed our Spring. We edited and published these essays through a series of regular virtual interactions.

Our work together challenged us and gave us purpose in this strange era. In the time of Covid-19, we've had to face some fascinating communication phenomena:

  1. the virality of the virus
  2. the virality of disinformation
  3. the strength/vulnerability of our civic commitment
  4. the danger that the weaker argument can win
  5. the opportunities/responsibilities of communication scholars and communicators

Along with medical experts, engineers, economists, and policymakers, communication scholars and communicators will be essential to our recovery and healing from the setbacks of this pandemic.

For 40 years across generations, the scholars of Comm-Entary have been grappling with such communication challenges and opportunities. In the years to come, our scholars will be essential to our recovery and healing from the setbacks of this pandemic.

Executive Board

Editor in Chief, Student Organizations Liason
Ellie Humphries
Christopher Gagliolo
Design Chair, CAMRA Liason
David Hadley
Design Chair
Kyra Nelson
Editing Chair
Molly Pizza
Digital Chair
Rachel Fiato

Editorial Board

Sarah DeSimone
Jokaira German
Brier Haigh
Tyler McLaughlin

Faculty Advisor

R. Michael Jackson

Cover Art

Photograph by
David Hadley
Socially distanced statues concept by
Kyra Nelson