Comm-entary | Vol 15 | Iss 1

Spring 2019

Table of Contents

We Are the Crystal Gems: Themes of Identity in Steven Universe by Hannah Baum

A Media Analysis of ‘Nikes’ by Frank Ocean by Emily Bourne

Street Art: A Crime or a Movement by Taylor Chieffalo

Sorry (Not Sorry): Who Carries the Weight of Digital Public Shaming? by Eva Ford

Directed Versus Reflective Gestures by Jordan Kafka

How a Generation is Changing a Century-Long Stigma by Kristiana Osbourne

David Koresh: Irreverently Divine by Kieran Reardon

It’s Like, A Highlighter: A focus on responses to the ‘Focalizer Like’ by Matthew Santangelo

#Aerie Man: An Analysis by Grace Smith

Living on the Fringe: Examining How the Internet Has Enabled the Growth of the Serial Killer Fringe Fandom by Sriyaa Shah

The Ethics of Documentary Photography in a Digital Age by Grace Smith


Sarah Hinzman


Walk the Talk: Conversations about Conversations about Race
Adam Bovie, Eva Ford, Christine Speranza, and Apekshha Thapa

Executive Board

Ellie Humphreys - Editor-in-Chief
Kristiana Osborne - Editor-in-Chief
Kelsey Flannery - Secretary
Kerry Monahan - Design Chair
Tia Floyd - Editing Chair, Student Organizations Liaison
Matthew Santangelo - Digital Chair, Student Organizations Liaison

Editorial Board

Hannah Baum - Editor
Taylor Chieffalo - Editor
Kelly Knox - Editor
Ryan Penkala - Editor
Molly Pizza - Editor
Grace Smith - Editor

Faculty Advisor

R. Michael Jackson