Spring 2014
Table of Contents
Ideologies of a Gravescape by Sonja Loeser
Skepticism as Rhetorical Strategy in Scientific Argument by Leigh Fraser
The Homogenization of National Identity: A Study of Reggaeton by Ricky Wilson
Coffee as a Religion by Olivia Mullen
Metrospirituality by Kelley Ray
Environmental Protest Framing as “Ecoterrorism” by Brieanne Young
Are We Fake? The Internet Masks We So Boldly Adorn by Emily Varnese
Data Mining: The Invasion of the Personal Right to Privacy in the Digital Age by Lauren Nawfel
Apple: The Forbidden Fruit of Cult & Capitalism by Max Post
Foreigners as “Other”: Stereotyping and Categorizing in Everyday Discourse by Taylor Purcell
The “Truth”: Understanding the Media Audience of the truth® Campaign by Jamie McDonough
Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Can We Clean It Up? by Elizabeth Hobbs
Reality and Perception in the Digital Age by Linda Chardon
Editorial Board
- Nyomi Guzman - Editor-in-Chief
- Mondi Lam - Project Manager
- Marissa Gomes
- Rachel Strauss
- Michael Consalvo
- Adrienne Roche
- Elizabeth Hobbs
- Erin Casey
- Sonja Loeser
- Max Post
- Katherine Duchaney
- Kristyn Kasle
- Rachel Strauss - Cover Art
Faculty Advisor
- Kevin Healey