Newspapers and Clippings | Judge Ivorey Cobb | University of New Hampshire


Submissions from 1981


Newspaper clipping: "After 19 Years, Judge Cobb Steps Down", Coos County Democrat, Lancaster, New Hampshire, September 30, 1981, Wyman, Lucy


Newspaper clipping: The News and Sentinel: Independent but Not Neutral, "Judge Cobb Retires From District Court", Colebrook, New Hampshire, September 30, 1981, Vol. 110, No. 39, price twenty five cents, unknown

Submissions from 1965


Newspaper clipping: "Honorary Degree to Judge Cobb" The News and Sentinel: Independent But Not Neutral, Colebrook, New Hampshire, June 16, 1965, Vol. 94, No. 24, price twelve cents, unknown

Submissions from 1964


Newspaper clipping: "Ivorey Cobb Favors Colebrook's Rugged Life" The Boston Sunday Globe, May 10, 1964. copy 1, Value, John B.


Newspaper clipping: "Ivorey Cobb Favors Colebrook's Rugged Life" The Boston Sunday Globe, May 10, 1964. copy 2, Value, John B.


Newspaper Clippings reporting Ivorey Cobb's Judgeship Confirmation by New Hampshire's Governor and Executive Council, May 2, 1964, The Valley News, The Boston Globe, Manchester Union Leader


Newspaper Clippings reporting Ivorey Cobb's New Hampshire Judgeship Nomination, April 1964, Pittsburgh Courier; New York Times; Manchester Union Leader; Erie News

Submissions from 1941


Pittsburgh Examiner: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 27, 1941, Vol. 9, No. 14, price five cents, Pittsburgh Examiner

Submissions from 1937


Pittsburgh Crusader: The Voice of All Negros, "Militant Liberal Aggressive", Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, June 4, 1937, Vol. 2, No. 43, price five cents, Pittsburgh Crusader

Submissions from 1932


Newspaper clipping: "Central Hi-Y Plans Extensive Program", Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992


Newspaper clipping:"Fifth Ave. High School", Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992