The goal of our department is to elucidate civil and environmental engineering technology by involving students in the design and construction of sustainable infrastructure projects that emphasize safety and public health.

Faculty may submit research here.


Submissions from 2024


City of Leaf Collaborative Drinking Water Emergency Response Serious Game, Jingyan Huang and Weiwei Mo

Submissions from 2022


Data supporting Effects of UV-C Disinfection on N95 and KN95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator Reuse, Castine A. Bernardy and James Malley


Data supporting Virus Behavior After UV254 Treatment of Materials with Different Surface Properties, Castine A. Bernardy and Jim Malley


Application of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Satellite Data in Seismic Response Assessment, Ali Farahani, Mahsa Moradikhaneghahi, Majid Ghayoomi, and Jennifer M. Jacobs


Integrating knowledge co-production with life cycle assessment, Weiwei Mo, David Hart, Catherine M. Ashcraft, Mikhail Chester, Stefano Cucurachi, Zhongming Lu, and Shelie A. Miller


Salinity and hydraulic retention time induce membrane phospholipid acyl chain remodeling in Halanaerobium congolense WG10 and mixed cultures from hydraulically fractured shale wells, Chika Jude Ugwuodo, Fabrizio Colosimo, Jishnu Adhikari, Yuxiang Shen, Appala Raju Badireddy, and Paula J. Mouser

Submissions from 2021


Workshop Outcomes Report: 1st International Workshop on Seismic Resilience of Arctic Infrastructure and Social Systems, Majid Ghayoomi, Katharine Duderstadt, Alexander Kholodov, Alexander Shiklomanov, Matthew Turner, and Elham Ajorlou


Life Cycle Environmental and Economic Comparison of Water Droplet Machining and Traditional Abrasive Waterjet Cutting, Giovanni Guglielmi, Benjamin Mitchell, Cuihong Song, Brad L. Kinsey, and Weiwei Mo

Submissions from 2018


Effect of Photolysis on Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Light-Absorbing Secondary Organic Aerosols, Paige K. Aiona, Jenna L. Luek, Stephen A. Timko, Leanne C. Powers, Michael Gonsior, and Sergey A. Nizkorodov


Temporal dynamics of halogenated organic compounds in Marcellus Shale flowback, Jenna L. Luek, Mourad Harir, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Paula J. Mouser, and Michael Gonsior

Submissions from 2017


Optical properties and molecular diversity of dissolved organic matter in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea, Michael Gonsior, Jenna L. Luek, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Jacqueline M. Grebmeier, and Lee W. Cooper


Persistent organic pollutants in the Atlantic and southern oceans and oceanic atmosphere, Jenna L. Luek, Rebecca M. Dickhut, Michele A. Cochran, Renee L. Falconer, and Henrik Kylin


Organic compounds in hydraulic fracturing fluids and wastewaters: A review, Jenna L. Luek and Michael Gonsior


Halogenated Organic Compounds Identified in Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewaters Using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Jenna L. Luek, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Paula J. Mouser, William Tyler Petty, Susan D. Richardson, and Michael Gonsior


Sulfate Reduction in Sediments Produces High Levels of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter, Jenna L. Luek, Kaitlyn E. Thompson, Randolph K. Larsen, Andrew Heyes, and Michael Gonsior


Picocyanobacteria and deep-ocean fluorescent dissolved organic matter share similar optical properties, Zhao Zhao, Michael Gonsior, Jenna L. Luek, Stephen Timko, Hope Ianiri, Norbert Hertkorn, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Xiaoting Fang, Qinglu Zeng, Nianzhi Jiao, and Feng Chen

Submissions from 2016


Chemical Flux Associated with Spatially and Temporally Variable Submarine Groundwater Discharge, and Chemical Modification in the Subterranean Estuary at Gloucester Point, VA (USA), Aaron J. Beck, Alex A. Kellum, Jenna L. Luek, and Michele A. Cochran


Chemodiversity of dissolved organic matter in the Amazon Basin, Michael Gonsior, Juliana Valle, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Norbert Hertkorn, David Bastviken, Jenna L. Luek, Mourad Harir, Wanderley Bastos, and Alex Enrich-Prast


Levels, sources and chemical fate of persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere and snow along the western Antarctic Peninsula, Mohammed A. Khairy, Jenna L. Luek, Rebecca Dickhut, and Rainer Lohmann

Submissions from 2015


Geochemistry of redox-sensitive trace elements in a shallow subterranean estuary, Alison E. O'Connor, Jenna L. Luek, Hadley McIntosh, and Aaron J. Beck

Submissions from 2014


Design and testing of a debris flow 'smart rock'., M J. Harding, Barry K. Fussell, M A. Gullison, Jean Benoît, and P. A. de Alba


Luek, J.L., Beck, A.J., 2014. Radium budget of the York River estuary (VA, USA) dominated by submarine groundwater discharge with a seasonally variable groundwater end-member. Marine Chemistry 165, 55-65., Jenna L. Luek and Aaron J. Beck

Submissions from 2013

Current Status of Pressuremeter Testing Education in the USA, Jean Benoît


Life-Cycle Assessment of Construction and Demolition Derived Biomass/Wood Waste Management, Alberta C. Carpenter, Jenna R. Jambeck, Kevin H. Gardner, and Keith Weitz


Attributional life cycle assessment (ALCA) of polyitaconic acid production from northeast US softwood biomass, Philip Nuss and Kevin H. Gardner


Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Construction and Demolition (C&D) Derived Biomass and US Northeast Forest Residuals Gasification for Electricity Production, Philip Nuss, Kevin H. Gardner, and Jenna R. Jambeck


Social Capital and Walkability as Social Aspects of Sustainability, Shannon H. Rogers, Kevin H. Gardner, and Cynthia H. Carlson

Submissions from 2012


Session Report: New Approaches for Interpreting Data, Jean Benoît


Profiling Hydraulic Conductivity In Situ, A. C. Larrabee, Jean Benoît, and Philippe Reiffsteck


Experimental study of drilling parameters using a test embankment, G. Laudanski, Philippe Reiffsteck, J. L. Tacita, G. Desanneaux, and Jean Benoît


Forages, Sondages et Essais In Situ Géotechniques – les outils pour la reconnaissance des sols et des roches, Philippe Reiffsteck, Daniel Lossy, and Jean Benoît

Submissions from 2011


Sediment identification using free fall penetrometer acceleration-time histories, Gopala K. Mulukutla, Lloyd C. Huff, Jeffrey S. Melton, Kenneth C. Baldwin, Larry A. Mayer, and Robert A. McConnaughey


Examining Walkability and Social Capital as Indicators of Quality of Life at the Municipal and Neighborhood Scales, Shannon H. Rogers, John M. Halstead, Kevin H. Gardner, and Cynthia H. Carlson


Impacts of natural weathering on the transformation/neoformation processes in landfilled MSWI bottom ash: a geoenvironmental perspective, Amirhomayoun Saffarzadeh, Takayuki Shimaoka, Yunmei Wei, Kevin H. Gardner, and Craig N. Musselman


Size-dependent enrichment of waste slag aggregate fragments abraded from asphalt concrete, Fumitake Takahashi, Takayuki Shimaoka, Kevin H. Gardner, and Akiko Kida

Submissions from 2010


Long-term performance of aged waste forms treated by stabilization/solidification, Aurora Antemir, Colin D. Hills, Paula J. Carey, Kevin H. Gardner, Edward R. Bates, and Alison K. Crumbie

Fracture Characterization, W. Bothner, Jean Benoît, F. Birch, M. Mills, S. Sadkowski, N. Kinner, R. Davis, and M. Gonsoulin

Characterizing Subsurface Conditions Using Drilling Parameters for a Deep Foundation Project in Boston, MA, USA, S. S. Sadkowski, K. P. Stetson, Jean Benoît, and J. T. Roche

Submissions from 2009


Variation in DOC dynamics and trace metals chemistry along the heavily urbanized basin in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Maya P. Bhatt and Kevin H. Gardner


Spatial variations in chemical compositions along Langtang–Narayani river system in central Nepal, Maya P. Bhatt, Toshiyuki Masuzawa, Mineko Yamamoto, and Kevin H. Gardner


Use of Industrial By-Products in Urban Roadway Infrastructure: argument for increased industrial ecology, Alberta C. Carpenter and Kevin H. Gardner


Effect of Humic Acid on Adsorption of Polychlorinated Biphenyls onto Organoclay, Bhawana Sharma, Kevin H. Gardner, Jeffrey S. Melton, Amy Hawkins, and Gregory Tracey


Evaluation of Activated Carbon as a Reactive Cap Sorbent for Sequestration of PCBs in Presence of Humic Acid, Bhawana Sharma, Kevin H. Gardner, Jeffrey S. Melton, Amy Hawkins, and Gregory Tracey


“PEER Lifelines Geotechnical Virtual Data Center”, PEER Report 2009/108, J. C. Stepp, D. J. Ponti, L. T. Turner, J. N. Swift, S. Devlin, Jean Benoît, and J. Bobbitt

Submissions from 2008


Field Test to Assess Formation Factor and Fabric Anisotropy of Cohesionless Soils, Jean Benoît and P. Morabito


Temporal variability corrections for Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E (AMSR-E) surface soil moisture: case study in Little River Region, Georgia, U. S., Minha Choi and Jennifer M. Jacobs


Owning your own home: reality or myth, Robert M. Henry and Charles H. Goodspeed


Comparison of properties of traditional and accelerated carbonated solidified/stabilized contaminated soils, Jiangying Liu, Dimin Xu, Lan Xiong, Colin Hills, Paula Carey, and Kevin H. Gardner


In-Situ Testing of Soft Sensitive Marine Clay for a Landfill Expansion Study, J. Roche, S. Rabasca, and Jean Benoît


Investigating Rock Quality Using Drilling Parameters in Boston, MA, USA, S. S. Sadkowski, K. P. Stetson, and Jean Benoît


Soil and Atmospheric Inputs to PAH Concentrations in Salt Marsh Plants, Alison W. Watts, Thomas P. Ballestero, and Kevin H. Gardner

Submissions from 2007


Modeling Hydrology and Reactive Transport in Roads: The Effect of Cracks, the Edge, and Contaminant properties, Defne S. Apul, Kevin H. Gardner, and T. Taylor Eighmy


Life Cycle Based Risk Assessment of Recycled Materials in Roadway Construction, A. C. Carpenter, Kevin H. Gardner, J. Fopiano, C. H. Benson, and T. Edil


In-situ Analysis of Flocs, Rajat K. Chakraborti, Kevin H. Gardner, Jagjit Kaur, and Joseph F. Atkinson


Leaching Properties of Estuarine Harbor Sediment Before and After Electrodialytic Remediation, Kevin H. Gardner, Gunvor M. Nystroem, and Deana A. Aulisio


Leaching Behavior of Estuarine Sediments and Cement-Stabilized Sediments in Upland Management Environments, Kevin H. Gardner, Christopher J. Tsiatsios, Jeffrey S. Melton, and Thomas P. Seager


Dechlorination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Naphthalenes and Dibenzo-p-Dioxins by Magnesium-Palladium Bimetallic Particles, Emese Hadnagy, Linda M. Rauch, and Kevin H. Gardner

In-Situ Testing for Site Characterization & QA/QC for Deep Dynamic Compaction, H. J. Miller, E. L. Hajduk, K. P. Stetson, Jean Benoît, and P. J. Connors


Fostering innovation in contaminated sediments management through multi-criteria technology assessment and public participation, T. P. Seager, Kevin H. Gardner, and J. Lambert


Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Tools to Two Contaminated Sediment Case Studies, Boris I. Yatsalo, Gregory A. Kiker, Jongbum Kim, Todd S. Bridges, Thomas P. Seager, Kevin H. Gardner, F. Kyle Satterstrom, and Igor Linkov

Submissions from 2006


Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: A Comprehensive Decision Approach for Management of Contaminated Sediments, I. Linkov, F. K. Satterstrom, G. Kiker, T. P. Seager, T. Bridges, Kevin H. Gardner, Shannon H. Rogers, D. A. Belluck, and A. Meyer


Comparison of DMT and CPT Testing on a Deep Dynamic Compaction Project, H. J. Miller; K. P. Stetson; Jean Benoît; E. L, Hajduk; and P. J. Connors


Sorption and desorption of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Zn from carbonated Portland cement, F. Pellegrini, C. D. Hills, P. J. Carey, Kevin H. Gardner, and A. Maries


Coupling Public Participation and Expert Judgment for Assessment of Innovative Contaminated Sediment Technologies, T. P. Seager, Shannon H. Rogers, Kevin H. Gardner, I. Linkov, and R. Howarth

Overview of the COSMOS/PEER-LL Geotechnical Virtual Data Center (GVDC) - Status of Project 2L03 and Establishing Connectivity Between the COSMOS GVDC and the COSMOS VDC, J. Swift, J. C. Stepp, L. Turner, D. Ponti, Jean Benoît, J. Bobbitt, C. Real, and M. Squibb


Uptake of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Salt Marsh Plants Spartina Alterniflora Grown in Contaminated Sediments, Alison W. Watts, Thomas P. Ballestero, and Kevin H. Gardner

Submissions from 2005


Performance assessment of stabilized/solidified waste-forms: initial results from site characterization, sampling, and testing, A. Antemir, C. D. Hills, P. J. Carey, J. Spear, Kevin H. Gardner, D. I. Boardman, and C. D. F. Rogers


A review of roadway water movement for beneficial use of recycled materials, Defne S. Apul, Kevin H. Gardner, and T. T. Eighmy


Simultaneous application of dissolution/precipitation and surface complexation / precipitation modeling to contaminant leaching from weathered steel slag, Defne S. Apul, Kevin H. Gardner, T. Taylor Eighmy, Rob N.J. Comans, and Ann-Marie Fallman


Probabilistic modeling of one dimensional water movement and leaching from highway embankments containing secondary materials, Defne S. Apul, Kevin H. Gardner, T. Taylor Eighmy, Ernst Linder, Tara Frizzell, and Ruth Roberson

Self-Boring Pressuremeter and Instrumented Dilatometer Testing of the Connecticut Valley Varved Clay, J. R. Blair, K. P. Stetson, and Jean Benoît

Lateral Stress Evaluation of an Unstable Slope in Sallèdes, France, D. Cransac, Jean Benoît, G. Sève, and J. C. Blivet

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer for Geotechnical Characterization of Dredged Contaminated Sediment, Jeffrey S. Melton, Gopala K. Mulukutla, Jean Benoît, and P. A. de Alba

The Pilot Cosmos/Peer-LL Geotechnical Virtual Data Center, J. Swift, L. Turner, Jean Benoît, J. Bobbitt, C. Roblee, J. Futrelle, A. Peters, and C. Stepp

Submissions from 2004

Data Dictionary and Formatting Standard for Dissemination of Geotechnical Data, Jean Benoît, J. Bobbitt, D. J. Ponti, and S. A. Shimal


Rock Characterization Using Drilling Parameters, Jean Benoît, S. S. Sadkowski, and W. A. Bothner


Properties of Portland Cement Made From Contaminated Sediments, Jennifer L. Dalton, Kevin H. Gardner, Mindy L. Weimer, Jean C.M. Spear, Thomas P. Seager, and Bryan J. Magee

A Piezometer System for Measuring Earthquake-Induced Pore Water Pressures in the Ground, R. Farrell, P. de Alba, and Jean Benoît

Piezometer Design and Installation for Earthquake Pore Water Pressure Measurement, R. Farrell, P. de Alba, and Jean Benoît

Influence of colloids and sediments on water quality, Kevin H. Gardner and Defne S. Apul

DMT Testing for Site Characterization and QA/QC on a Deep Dynamic Compaction Project, H. J. Miller, K. P. Stetson, and Jean Benoît


Site Characterization and QA/QC of Deep Dynamic Compaction Using an Instrumented Dilatometer, H. J. Miller, K. P. Stetson, and Jean Benoît

Fracture Characterization at a Bedrock Bioremediation Site in New Hampshire, S. S. Sadkowski, W. A. Bothner, Jean Benoît, S. B. Birch, and J. Escamilla-Casas

Submissions from 2003


A Probabilistic Source Assessment Framework for Leaching from Secondary Materials in Highway Applications, Defne S. Apul, Kevin H. Gardner, and T. Taylor Eighmy


Use of an Instrumented Flat Dilatometer in Soft Varved Clay, Jean Benoît and K. Stetson


Changes in fractal dimension during aggregation, Rajat K. Chakraborti, Kevin H. Gardner, Joseph F. Atkinson, and John E. Van Benschoten

Engineering Aspects Governing the Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials in Cement Manufacturing, J. Dalton, M. Weimer, Kevin H. Gardner, and B. J. Magee

Long-term Leaching Behavior Changes in Granular Waste Materials due to Chemical Weathering Processes: Implications for Beneficial Use, Kevin H. Gardner, R. K. Carter, and T. Shimaoka


Characterization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash before and after electrodialytic treatment, A. J. Pedersen and Kevin H. Gardner

Electrochemical Remediation of Dredged material for Beneficial Use, A. J. Pedersen and Kevin H. Gardner


Design of an Instrumented Flat Dilatometer, K. P. Stetson, Jean Benoît, and Michael J. Carter

Submissions from 2002

Characterization of Fractured-Rock Aquifers Using Drilling Parameters, Jean Benoît, W. A. Bothner, and J. Escamilla-Casas


An Experimental and Analytical Approach to Understanding the Dynamic Leaching from Municipal Solid Waste Combustion Residue, Kevin H. Gardner, Thomas L. Theis, and Ramesh Iyer


Mechanisms for the aging-induced reduction of lead solubility in scrubber residues from municipal solid waste combustion, Takayuki Shimaoka, Kentaro Miyawaki, Masataka Hanashima, Tsuneyuki Yoshida, Masashi Soeda, Toshihito Uchida, Kevin H. Gardner, and T. Taylor Eighmy

Submissions from 2001

A Review of Water Movement in the Highway Environment: Implications for Recycled Materials Use, D. Apul, K. Gardner, T. T. Eighmy, Jean Benoît, and L. K. Brannaka


In-Situ Colloidal MnO2 Deposition and Ozonation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene, Kevin C. Bower, Kevin H. Gardner, Christopher M. Miller, and Lingjun Kong

UNH’s Bedrock Bioremediation Center: Using Microorganisms to Cleanup Bedrock Contamination, N. E. Kinner, K. S. Newman, L. K. Brannaka, and Jean Benoît


World Wide Web User Query Interface for the National Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Database, R. Satyanarayana and Jean Benoît

Submissions from 2000

The United States National Geotechnical Experimentation Sites Program: The First Decade, Jean Benoît

National Geotechnical Experimentation Sites, Jean Benoît and A. J. Lutenegger