
The VisLab at CCOM carries out three kinds of projects: human factors studies to determine the most effective ways of interacting with displays, studies in experimental semiotics to determine the best way of displaying particular information, and proof-of-concept prototype development to introduce novel applications for visualizing and interpreting data. This talk will illustrate each of these approaches with recent work carried out in the VisLab. I will discuss in turn a human factors experiment intended to assess the value of a spatially aware hand-held chart, a new weather information display based on perceptual theory, and TrackPlot, a proof of concept application designed to make it easier for marine mammal scientists to interpret their data.

Presenter Bio

Colin Ware is a member of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping and Director of the Data Visualization Research Lab. Dr. Ware's position is split between the Ocean Engineering and Computer Science Departments.

Dr. Ware has a background in human/computer interaction (HCI) and has been instrumental in developing a number of innovative approaches to the interactive 3-D visualization of large data sets.

As a founding member of the University of New Brunswick Ocean Mapping Group, Dr. Ware designed many of the algorithms and interactive techniques that were that were incorporated into Fledermaus, a 3D visualization package and into CARIS HIPS, the most commonly used commercial hydrographic processing package.

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