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The UN agreed at Paris 2015 and Bonn 2017 to keep global temperature rise below 2ºC, by drastically reducing CO2 emissions, and in 2019, the UK declared a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Offshore renewable energy (ORE) has a significant role to play in meeting this target, through achieving a sustainable, low carbon energy mix and reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels, while contributing to the national economy. With the Government putting 'Clean Growth' at the centre of its Industrial Strategy, ORE will help the UK meet the UN Sustainable Development Goal to provide clean energy for all, while combating climate change. The Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub is an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded programme that brings together academic and industrial expertise from across the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) sector. The vision of the Hub is to provide research leadership to connect academia, industry, policy and public stakeholders, inspiring innovation and maximising societal value in offshore wind, wave and tidal energy. The Hub is central to the UK ORE community, bringing together shared skills and expertise, transferring fundamental knowledge, and sharing learning and use of resources for inter-disciplinary research, whilst taking a whole systems approach. The presentation will give an overview of the activities of the Supergen ORE Hub and the research priorities in ORE.

Presenter Bio

Deborah Greaves is Head of the School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, Professor of Ocean Engineering and Director of the COAST Laboratory at the University of Plymouth with previous appointments at Oxford, UCL and the University of Bath. Her research interests include marine and offshore renewable energy, and physical and numerical modelling of wave-structure interaction. She has led many national and international research projects concerning offshore renewable energy (ORE) in collaboration with industrial and academic partners and is Director of the EPSRC £9 million Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub. In the Queen's Birthday Honours List, 2018, she was awarded an OBE for services to Marine Renewable Energy, Equalities, and Higher Education and in 2020, she was elected to be a Fellow the Royal Academy of Engineering.

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