"Seafloor Mapping Puzzle―Where Do You Fit?" by Kelley Brumley


Understanding our oceans is essential to predictions that will help guide sustainable development of the seafloor and the water above it, as well as guiding human adaptation to inevitable change. The most fundamental ocean observation is a measured map of the seafloor; without it other ocean observation models are limited. To map the seafloor successfully, cooperation and collaboration from governments, universities, nongovernmental organizations, maritime industries, and citizens are key. These stakeholders must work together, overcoming internal institutional inertia or distrust of novel types of partnerships, to either consolidate existing data, share data that are currently not in the public domain, help map areas where no data exist, or just help get the message out that these data are needed. It is imperative that we shift to a “collect and share” mindset, allowing data to live beyond our own immediate needs and serve the maximum good. When we do this, together we will move ocean science forward and meet our shared goal of a healthy, sustainable ocean for generations to come.

Presenter Bio

Kelley Brumley is a marine geologist and works as the Science Manager of Ocean Mapping for Fugro, in Houston, Texas. She is an adjunct professor at University of Houston and Affiliate Faculty at University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). She received an M.S. in geology from UAF and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Between 2006-2012, she was a member of the science party during the U.S. and Canada’s Extended Continental Shelf mapping efforts in the Arctic Ocean. Since joining Fugro in 2014, Dr. Brumley has acted as lead scientist on many regional multibeam mapping and geochemical coring surveys investigating cold seep locations and related chemosynthetic habitats. In her current role she supports the development and execution of Fugro’s Sustainability strategy which includes participation in Seabed 2030 working groups, planning around the U.N. Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and expansion of Fugro’s crowdsourced bathymetry program.

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