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Geological carbon storage (GCS) has emerged as a promising method for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving international climate goals. Currently, sub-seafloor GCS sites sequester about 1.8 MtCO2/yr. Additional sites are under development and by 2050, there is potential for storage of ≈ 100 Mt CO2/yr. For the expansion of sub-seafloor GCS to be successful, cost-efficient and effective leak monitoring systems must be available. The ACT4storage project is tasked with development of leak monitoring through the selection and use of available technologies. A part of the multifaceted monitoring suite is the use of active acoustics to detect and quantify free CO2 bubbles and droplets as well as plumes of dissolved CO2 released from seafloor sequestration sites. An artificial seep device was created to simulate leaks of free and dissolved phase CO2. Leak simulations were quantified using a range of acoustic sensors and ensonification angles. A combination of split-beam and multibeam echo sounders shows promise as a cost-efficient and effective method for the detection and quantification of free CO2 in the water column. Preliminary results have implications for modeling methods used to predict the impact of releases of CO2 from seafloor sequestration sites.

Presenter Bio

Scott Loranger received his Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of New Hampshire and an undergraduate degree in Biology from Cornell University. He is interested in acoustical oceanography and specifically in the use of broadband acoustics to understand physical and biological processes in the water column. He is currently working with the ACT4Storage: Acoustic and Chemical Technologies for environmental monitoring of geological carbon storage project. The ACT4Storage project is a collaborative effort aimed at improving the cost-efficiency and effectiveness of environmental monitoring of offshore geological carbon storage sites. Scott's role is evaluating the use of acoustic systems to detect and quantify potential leaks from storage sites in the water column.

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