
A bathymetric relief model is a common product from a seafloor mapping campaign. These products are often a gridded set of depth estimates where each estimate is supported by a number of measurements from a seafloor mapping echo sounder. The multibeam echo sounder provides many such measurements, but typically only in the region athwart the mapping platform. Another approach can be to map with an annular swath to provide more statistically independent realizations of the seafloor to the downstream gridding algorithm. During this presentation we will review preliminary results of acoustic seafloor mapping with an annular swath created from a cylindrical array. The discussion will include challenges experienced while building a bathymetric relief model from field data and questions resulting from this experience.

Presenter Bio

Glen Rice is a Ph.D. candidate in Ocean Engineering at the University of New Hampshire. He is also a Physical Scientist with NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey Hydrographic Systems and Technology Branch. Previously a NOAA CORPS Officer, Mr. Rice has worked in hydrography with NOAA for the last 11 years.

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