
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program (NHCP) is charged by the Coastal Zone Management Act to protect clean water, restore coastal habitats, and help make communities more resilient to flooding and other natural hazards through funding and staff assistance to coastal communities as well as local and regional groups. NHCP Coastal Habitat Coordinator Kevin Lucey and Coastal Resilience Coordinator Kirsten Howard will explain NHCP’s role in shaping coastal policy and management in New Hampshire and share details about two projects that showcase how they are using ocean and coastal mapping and engineering information to influence decisions and on-the-ground action. Kevin will share a new tidal culvert assessment protocol that will improve local salt marsh habitat protection and restoration efforts and describe a cutting edge salt marsh mapping project. Kirsten will describe efforts to build living shorelines as an alternative to structural erosion control techniques and reflect on modeling work to better understand sea-level rise and storm surge impacts to coastal communities. Kevin and Kirsten will end by reflecting on future priorities for NHCP and opportunities for effective partnerships with the coastal and ocean mapping and engineering community.

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