
Sites proposed and now concurrently being drilled by IODP Exp. 363 were surveyed with 2D high-resolution multi-channel seismic grids during cruise 1313 of the R/V Roger Revelle in September 2013. At proposed site WP2 on the northern Eauripik Rise, approximately 400 m of buried sediment waves, with amplitudes of 10-20 m and wavelengths of 1-2 km, are prevalent throughout the ~ 10 x 15 km survey grid. Abyssal sediment waves provide direct evidence of circulation in the deep sea, and can be tied to circulation indicators in sediment cores. Additionally, changes in circulation indicated by changes in bedform geometry can be associated with climatic oscillations. In this talk, we describe sediment waves detected in seismic profiles from the Caroline Basin, and conclude that they reveal a 14-Ma history of deep-sea circulation in the western Pacific. Sediment wave morphology and dynamics will be explored, with possible implications for global climate changes.

Presenter Bio

Kimberly obtained her B.S. in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Lehigh University. Her experience working with seismic acquisition at Lehigh increased her interest in geophysics and led her to Rutgers University where she completed her M.S. in Geological Sciences. At Rutgers she had the opportunity to sail on 3 research cruises, gaining experience collecting 2D and 3D high-resolution multi-channel seismic data, multibeam bathymetric data, and deep-sea sediment cores. Her thesis focused on processing and analyzing 2D MCS data in the western Pacific, studying bedform morphology of sediment waves in the Caroline Sea. Kimberly joined CCOM/JHC in 2016. She is currently working on compiling existing sub bottom profiler, multibeam bathymetric, and seafloor sample data in order to produce a surficial geologic map of seafloor sediment facies throughout the Arctic, ultimately to support Extended Continental Shelf submissions under the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

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