
Acquiring and analyzing oceanographic data is a process that starts well before the instrumentation is lowered over the side of the ship into the waters below. As a research associate at WHOI I have been involved in several stages of this process, from the initial drafting of a proposal to the final data submission to data repositories. In this talk I will report on my experiences, focusing on the development of three interactive visualization tools that facilitate planning research cruises, handling ocean depth measurements, and analyzing data back on land. The first tool, Cruise Planner, is geared towards accurate station planning by taking into account factors such as weather, station depths, and winch speed. Ocean Depths was designed to facilitate the precise deployment of moored arrays by enabling real time interaction with the data stream from the echosounder. Lastly, Ocean Paths is a browser-based tool developed to provide powerful interaction and exploration methods for spatial, multivariate oceanography datasets.

Presenter Bio

Carolina Nobre is currently a Research Associate III at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, MA. Carolina earned a B.S. in Oceanography from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, an M.S. in Physical Oceanography from the School of Marine Science and Technology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and is completing her M.S in Computer Science at the Harvard Extension School. A large component of her work at WHOI is the development of graphical user interfaces for oceanographic data streams. These interfaces are geared towards both data acquisition at sea and data analysis back on land. Prior to her time at WHOI, Carolina worked as an analyst at Horizon Marine, a company providing real time ocean current forecasts to oil companies around the world. Carolina plans on pursuing a Ph.D. in Data Visualization starting in the fall of 2016.

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