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Kevin Jerram, Damian Manda, Kelly Nifong, and Liam Pillsbury will present their experiences from the 2014 field season.

Presenter Bio

Kevin Jerram completed his M.S. Ocean Engineering (Ocean Mapping option) in 2014 through the UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, where his research was focused on detection and characterization of marine gas seeps using a split-beam scientific echosounder. Previously, he received a B.S. Mechanical Engineering from UNH and worked in engineering positions for Shoals Marine Laboratory and Ocean Classroom Foundation. As part of the Center’s Super Storm Sandy research effort, Kevin is currently investigating phase-measuring bathymetric sidescan sonar for improved efficiency of shallow water mapping, such as post-storm surveying in harbors and channels.

LTJG Damian Manda has a B.S in electrical and computer engineering with a geography minor from the University of Colorado and is currently pursuing a master's in ocean engineering at UNH. Inspired by an internship aboard NOAA Ship Fairweather during his undergraduate studies, Damian joined the NOAA Corps in 2010. He served as a Junior Officer aboard NOAA Ship Rainier until July 2013, assisting in bringing the ship's hydrographic production back to full capacity after an extended repair period while conducting surveys along the Pacific coast from Oregon to Alaska.

Kelly Nifong, a military brat, graduated from Coastal Carolina University with a Marine Science degree and a minor in Coastal Geology in May 2013. Her undergraduate thesis was, “Benthic Habitat Mapping in Long Island Sound, NY,” which stemmed from her work aboard the NOAA ship the Thomas Jefferson during her NOAA Hollings Scholarship internship. While as an undergraduate, Kelly was able gain research experience through a GK-12 internship and by working for and with research scientists and master's students at CCU. Her interest in ocean mapping was largely influenced and confirmed by her time spent working with the crew and officers of the Thomas Jefferson. She is currently a Master’s student with the Earth Science department concentrating on Ocean Mapping.

Liam Pillsbury, received his BSME from UNH in May of 2013. He was accepted into a collaborative MIT-USGS-UNH project under Professor Tom Weber which will focus on the analysis of acoustic backscatter data from methane seeps in the US Atlantic margin. Liam’s interests lie in underwater acoustics, fluid dynamics and renewable energy resources.

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