Affiliate Scholarship | Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping | University of New Hampshire

Faculty may submit research here.


Submissions from 2000


Multibeam sonar backscatter lineaments and anthropogenic organic components in lacustrine silty clay, evidence of shipping in western Lake Ontario, C.F. M. Lewis, Larry A. Mayer, P. K. Mukhopadhyay, M. A. Kruge, J. P. Coakley, and M. D. Smith

Submissions from 1999


Acoustic backscatter of the 1995 flood deposit on the Eel shelf, Jeffrey C. Borgeld, John E. Hughes Clarke, John A. Goff, Larry A. Mayer, and Jennifer A. Curtis


Morphology and processes in Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada), James V. Gardner, Larry A. Mayer, and John E. Hughes Clarke


Detailed investigation of continental shelf morphology using a high-resolution swath sonar survey: the Eel margin, northern California, John A. Goff, Dan Orange, Larry A. Mayer, and John E. Hughes Clarke


High-resolution swath sonar investigation of sand ridge, dune and ribbon morphology in the offshore environment of the New Jersey margin, John A. Goff, Donald J.P. Swift, Catherine S. Duncan, Larry A. Mayer, and John E. Hughes Clarke

Submissions from 1998


High-resolution multibeam bathymetry of East Flower Gardens and Stetson Bank, Gulf of Mexico, James V. Gardner, Larry A. Mayer, John E. Hughes Clarke, and Art Kleiner


Modelling of Pliocene–Pleistocene abyssal mudwaves using synthetic seismograms, Larry A. Mayer and David S. Brew

Submissions from 1997


Core-log-seismic integration as a framework for determining the basin-wide significance of regional reflectors in the eastern equatorial Pacific, Stephen F. Bloomer and Larry A. Mayer


Drumlins in Lake Ontario, C.F. M. Lewis, Larry A. Mayer, Gordon D. M. Cameron, and Brian J. Todd

Submissions from 1996


An Approach to Automatic Detection of Outliers in Multibeam Echo Sounding Data, Z. Du, David E. Wells, and Larry A. Mayer


Swath Mapping on the Continental Shelf and Slope: The Eel River Basin, Northern California, John A. Goff, Larry A. Mayer, John E. Hughes Clarke, and Lincoln F. Pratson


Shallow-water imaging multibeam sonars: A new tool for investigating seafloor processes in the coastal zone and on the continental shelf, John E. Hughes Clarke, Larry A. Mayer, and David E. Wells


Three-dimensional visualization of orbital forcing and climatic repsonse: Interactively exploring the pacemaker of the ice ages, Larry A. Mayer, Cyril Gobrecht, and Nicklas G. Pisias

Submissions from 1995


Seismic Stratigraphy of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean: Paleoceanographic Implications, Stephen F. Bloomer, Larry A. Mayer, and Ted C. Moore Jr


1995, Spatial and temporal variability of late Neogene equatorial Pacific carbonate, T. K. Hagelberg, Nicklas G. Pisias, Larry A. Mayer, N. J. Shackleton, and Alan C. Mix


Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, volume 138, Scientific Results Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Covering Leg 138 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, Balboa, Panama, to San Diego, California, Sites 844-854, 1 May-4 July 1991, Nicklas G. Pisias, Larry A. Mayer, Thomas R. Janecek, Amanda Palmer-Julson, and Tjeerd H. van Andel


Paleoceanography of the eastern equatorial Pacific during the Neogene: Synthesis of Leg 138 drilling results, Nicklas G. Pisias, Larry A. Mayer, and Alan C. Mix

Submissions from 1994


Integrating Geographic Information and Image Analysis Functionality into a Single Spatial Analysis System, Salem E. Masry, Larry A. Mayer, and John E. Hughes Clarke


Paleoceanography from a single hole to the ocean basins through seismics and logging, Larry A. Mayer


Seismic stratigraphy of Lake Huron – Georgian Bay and postglacial lake level history, Ted C. Moore Jr, David K. Rea, Larry A. Mayer, C.F. M. Lewis, and David M. Dodson


Great Lakes paleohydrology: Complex interplay of glacial meltwater, lake levels, and sill depths, David K. Rea, Ted C. Moore Jr, Thane W. Anderson, C.F. M. Lewis, David M. Dobson, David L. Dettman, Alison J. Smith, and Larry A. Mayer


Stratigraphy and paleolimnologic record of lower Holocene sediments in northern Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, David K. Rea, Ted C. Moore Jr, C.F. M. Lewis, Larry A. Mayer, David L. Dettman, Alison J. Smith, and David M. Dobson

Submissions from 1993


Variations of porosity in calcareous sediments from the Ontong Java Plateau, Frank Bassinot, Janice C. Marsters, Larry A. Mayer, and Roy H. Wilkens


Velocity anisotropy in calcareous sediments from Leg 130, Ontong Java Plateau, Frank Bassinot, Janice C. Marsters, Larry A. Mayer, and Roy H. Wilkens


Acoustic properties of fine‐grained sediments from Emerald Basin: Toward an inversion for physical properties using the Biot–Stoll model, Robert C. Courtney and Larry A. Mayer


Calculation of acoustic parameters by a filter-correlation method, Robert C. Courtney and Larry A. Mayer


Basement structure of the northern Ontong Java Plateau, Rick A. Hagen, Larry A. Mayer, David Mosher, Loren w. Kroenke, Tom H. Shipley, and Edward L. Winterer


Evolution of Pliocene climate cyclicity at Hole 806B (5-2 Ma); oxygen isotope record, Eystein Jansen, Larry A. Mayer, Jan Backman, R. Mark Leckie, and Toshiaki Takayama


Detailed stratigraphic correlation of the Neogene sedimentary sequences on the Ontong Java Plateau by well logging; ODP Sites 803, 805, 806, 807, and DSDP Site 586, Mitchell Lyle, Roy H. Wilkens, and Larry A. Mayer


The Oceans, Larry A. Mayer


Climatic cyclicity at Site 806; the GRAPE record, Larry A. Mayer, Eystein Jansen, Jan Backman, and Toshiaki Takayama


Seismic stratigraphy of the Ontong Java Plateau, David Mosher, Larry A. Mayer, Tom H. Shipley, Edward L. Winterer, Rick A. Hagen, Janice C. Marsters, Frank Bassinot, Roy H. Wilkens, and Mitchell Lyle


Laboratory and Well-Log Velocity and Density Measurements from the Ontong Java Plateau: New in-situ corrections to laboratory data for pelagic carbonates, Jozsef Urmos, Roy H. Wilkens, Frank Bassinot, Mitchell Lyle, Janice C. Masters, Larry A. Mayer, and David Mosher

Submissions from 1992


The record of Ontong Java Plateau: Main results of ODP Leg 130, W. H. Berger, Loren W. Kroenke, Larry A. Mayer, Jan Backman, Thomas R. Janecek, L. Krissek, R. Mark Leckie, and Mitchell Lyle


Marine sediment classification using the chirp sonar, Lester R. LeBlanc, Larry A. Mayer, Manuel Rufino, Steven G. Schock, and John King


Downhole Logging as a Paeoceanographic Tool on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 138: Interface Between High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Regional Syntheses, Mitchell Lyle, Larry A. Mayer, Nicklas G. Pisias, T. K. Hagelberg, Kathleen A. Dadey, Stephen F. Bloomer, and Shipboard Scientific Party


Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. VOLUME 13 8 INITIAL REPORTS PARTI EASTERN EQUATORIAL PACIFIC Covering Leg 138 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, Balboa, Panama, to San Diego, California, Sites 844-854, 6 May 1991-5 July 1991, Larry A. Mayer, Nicklas G. Pisias, Thomas R. Janecek, Jack G. Baldauf, Stephen F. Bloomer, Kathleen A. Dadey, Kay-Christian Emeis, John Farrell, Jose Abel Flores, Eric M. Galimov, T. K. Hagelberg, Peter Holler, Stephen A. Hovan, Masao Iwai, Alan E. S. Kemp, Dae Choul Kim, Gary Klinkhammer, Margaret Leinen, Shaul Levi, Mikhail A. Levitan, Mitchell Lyle, Angus K. MacKillop, Laure M. Meynadier, Alan C. Mix, Ted C. Moore Jr, Isabella Raffi, Christina Ravelo, David Schneider, N. J. Shackleton, Jean-Pierre Valet, and Edith Vincent


SeaBeam and seismic reflection surveys on the Ontong Java Plateau, Larry A. Mayer, Tom H. Shipley, Edward L. Winterer, David Mosher, and Rick A. Hagen

Submissions from 1991


Ontong Java Plateau, Leg 130: Synopsis of major drilling results, W. H. Berger, Loren w. Kroenke, Larry A. Mayer, and Shipboard Scientific Party


Long climatic time series from sediment physical property measurements, Timothy D. Herbert and Larry A. Mayer


GRAPE Density Records and Density Cyclicity, Eystein Jansen, Larry A. Mayer, and Shipboard Scientific Party


Extraction of high-resolution carbonate data for palaeoclimate reconstruction, Larry A. Mayer


High-resolution, whole-core magnetic susceptibility data from Leg 130, Ontong Java Plateau, John A. Tarduno, Larry A. Mayer, and Robert Musgrave

Submissions from 1990


Large-scale current-induced erosion and deposition in the path of the 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current, John E. Hughes Clarke, Alexander N. Shor, David J.W. Piper, and Larry A. Mayer


Physical and acoustic properties of Arctic Ocean deep-sea sediments: Paleoclimatic implications, J. Mienert, Larry A. Mayer, G. A. Jones, and John King


Contributions from the oceanic record to the study of global change on three time scales--Report of Working Group 1, Interlaken Workshop for Past Global Changes, N. J. Shackleton, Tjeerd H. van Andel, E. A. Boyle, Eystein Jansen, L. Labeyrie, Margaret Leinen, Larry A. Mayer, J. Mckenzie, and E. Sundquist


Giant flute-like scour and other erosional features formed by the 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current, Alexander N. Shor, David J.W. Piper, John E. Hughes Clarke, and Larry A. Mayer

Submissions from 1989


The influence of biogenic silica on seismic lithostratigraphy at ODP Sites 642 and 643, eastern Norwegian Sea, Peter Hempel, Larry A. Mayer, Elliot Taylor, Gerhard Bohrmann, and Alan Pittenger


Pisces IV submersible observations in the epicentral region of the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake, John E. Hughes Clarke, Larry A. Mayer, David J.W. Piper, and Alexander N. Shor


Chirp subbottom profiler for quantitative sediment analysis, Steven G. Schock, Lester R. LeBlanc, and Larry A. Mayer


Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and stable-isotope stratigraphy of cores from ODP Leg 105 site surveys, Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay, D. B. Scott, P. J. Mudie, A. de Vernal, C. Hillaire-Marcel, V. Baki, K. D. MacKinnon, F. S. Medioli, and Larry A. Mayer


Seismic reflections and sedimentation in the pelagic equatorial Pacific, Tom H. Shipley, Larry A. Mayer, and Edward L. Winterer


Sedimentation and paleoceanography of the central equatorial Pacific, F. Theyer, Edith Vincent, and Larry A. Mayer

Submissions from 1988


Geologic and tectonic setting of the MARK area, R. S. Detrick, P. J. Fox, N. Schulz, R. Pockalny, L. Kong, Larry A. Mayer, and W.B. F. Ryan


The morphology and tectonics of the Mark area from Sea Beam and Sea MARC I observations (Mid-Atlantic Ridge 23° N), Laura S. Kong, R. S. Detrick, P. J. Fox, Larry A. Mayer, and W.B. F. Ryan


Dense biological communities at 3850 m on the Laurentian Fan and their relationship to the deposits of the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake, Larry A. Mayer, Alexander N. Shor, John E. Hughes Clarke, and David J.W. Piper

Submissions from 1987


Cenozoic paleoceanography 1986: An introduction, W. H. Berger and Larry A. Mayer

Submissions from 1986


Equatorial Pacific Seismic Reflectors as Indicators of Global Oceanographic Events, Larry A. Mayer, Tom H. Shipley, and Edward L. Winterer

Submissions from 1985


Seismic modelling and paleoceanography at DSDP Site 574, Larry A. Mayer, Tom H. Shipley, Fritz Theyer, Roy H. Wilkens, and Edward L. Winterer


Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, vol. 85, Larry A. Mayer, Fritz Theyer, John A. Barron, Dean A. Dunn, Tim Handyside, Scott Hills, Ian Jarvis, Catherine A. Nagrini, Nicklas G. Pisias, Annick Pujos, Tsunemasa Saito, Paul Stout, Ellen Thomas, Norbert Weinreich, and Roy H. Wilkens


The equatorial Pacific High-Productivity Belt: Elements for a Synthesis of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 85 Resultspaleoceanography, Fritz Theyer, Larry A. Mayer, John A. Barron, and Ellen Thomas

Submissions from 1982


Acoustic and related properties of calcareous deep-sea sediments, Ewin L. Hamilton, Richard T. Bachman, W. H. Berger, Thomas C. Johnson, and Larry A. Mayer


Physical properties of sediment recovered on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 68 with the Hydraulic Piston Corer, Larry A. Mayer


The fifth major D/V Challenger operation in central equatorial waters, Larry A. Mayer, Fritz Theyer, John A. Barron, Dean A. Dunn, Tim Handyside, Colin D. Hills, Ian Jarvis, Catherine A. Nigrini, Nicklas G. Pisias, Annick Pujos, Tsunemasa Saito, Paul Stout, Ellen Thomas, Norbert Weinreich, and Roy H. Wilkens

Submissions from 1981


Erosion and deposition in interplain channels of the Maury channel system, P. Lonsdale, C. D. Hollister, and Larry A. Mayer


Erosional troughs in deep-sea carbonates and their relationship to basement structure, Larry A. Mayer


Exceptionally Strong Near-Bottom Flows on the Continental Rise of Nova Scotia, M. J. Richardson, M. Wimbush, and Larry A. Mayer

Submissions from 1980


Furrowed mud waves on the western Bermuda Rise, R. W. Embley, P. J. Hoose, P. Lonsdale, Larry A. Mayer, and B. E. Tucholke


Deep-sea carbonates: Physical property relationships and the origin of high-frequency acoustic reflectors, Larry A. Mayer


Hydraulic piston coring of late Neogene and Quaternary sections in the Caribbean and equatorial Pacific: Preliminary results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 68, Warren L. Prell, James V. Gardner, Charles Adelseck, Gretchen Bleschmidt, Andrew J. Fleet, Lloyd D. Keigwin Jr., Dennis Kent, Michael T. Bedletter, Ulrich Mann, Larry A. Mayer, William R. Reidel, Constance Sancetta, Dann Spariosu, and Herman B. Zimmerman


Near-bottom seismic profiling: High lateral variability, anomalous amplitudes, and estimates of attenuation, R. C. Tyce, Larry A. Mayer, and F. N. Spiess

Submissions from 1979


Deep sea carbonates; acoustic, physical, and stratigraphic properties, Larry A. Mayer


The origin of fine scale acoustic stratigraphy in deep-sea carbonates, Larry A. Mayer

Submissions from 1978


Deep-sea carbonates: Acoustic reflectors and lysocline fluctuations, W. H. Berger and Larry A. Mayer

Submissions from 1976


Distribution of carbonate in surface sediments of the Pacific Ocean, W. H. Berger, Charles Adelseck, and Larry A. Mayer